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Globular clusters in the galactic plane Václav Glos Star clusters.

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Presentation on theme: "Globular clusters in the galactic plane Václav Glos Star clusters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Globular clusters in the galactic plane Václav Glos Star clusters

2 Main properities of globular clusters -Age from half to nearly one Hubble time -Tight gravitational bound of members -Rare or none star formation -Low metalicity -Density profile fitable with Kings function Credit: Marco Burali, Tiziano Capecchi, Marco Mancini

3 Positions of globular clusters in MW

4 Orbits of globular clusters in MW Credit: Pearson Education

5 Absorption in visual light Credit: Serge BrunierSerge Brunier

6 Infrared solution

7 Milky Way in infrared Credit: 2MASS

8 Finding globular clusters through disc Credit: VSA -Many field stars -Non-homogenic reddening possibility Difficulties:

9 Overdensity in star field Credit: C. Moni Bidin et al.

10 Cluster members decontamination Credit: C. Moni Bidin et al.

11 Determining cluster parameters Credit: C. Moni Bidin et al. Color Magnitude Diagram - α-enhancement - metalicity - distance modulus - reddening - age Red Giants spectra - α-enhancement - metalicity

12 Globular clusters in the galactic plane -Most in galactic bulge -Confirmed GCs in trasition region between bulge and disc (for example GLIMPSE- C02 3,7 kpc from galactic center) -One possible GC with distance from galaxy center 5 kpc VVV CL003 Harris W. (2003)

13 GLIMPSE-C02 -3.7 kpc from galactic center -Metal rich [Fe/H] = -0.33±0.14 in the scale of Zinn -Compact – core radius 0.9 pc Credit R. Kurtev et al.

14 VVV CL003 -5 kpc from galactic center -Metal rich [Fe/H] = −0.1 ± 0.2 possible open cluster? -Deeper photometry needed Credit: C. Moni Bidin et al.

15 Thank you for your attention.

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