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The Five Foundations! Taylor Gould Jordan Byrem Isaac Webking.

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Presentation on theme: "The Five Foundations! Taylor Gould Jordan Byrem Isaac Webking."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Five Foundations! Taylor Gould Jordan Byrem Isaac Webking

2 1.SAVE A $500 EMERGENCY FUND ●An emergency fund allows you to have money available for any surprise EXPENSES! Like when you drop your phone in the toilet.

3 Emergency Fund Continued... ● When you have no money to pay for that replacement phone, debt starts to look reeeeeal good… but it’s not, it only delays the problem.

4 Emergency Fund Ending... Make sure this money is in the bank and it’s in a separate savings account than your original savings account and checking account.

5 Get The Freak Out of Debt! ●Debt=BAD! Your problem most likely was you got a credit card and instead of being responsible you went a little crazy. ●Eliminate the credit cards from your wallet and start building your way out of the giant hole you digged your self in and save your money for important stuff!

6 3.Pay Cash for Your Car It’s better to pay for your entire car at once with cash instead of paying a bill each month. Why? ‘Cause interest is a jerk. You’ll have to pay more and more as the monthly payments add up! And that’s bullcrap. Paying cash up front can help you get a deal on on your car, too! You have the whole car in your hands... Take that opportunity to haggle!

7 “But I don’t have that much money on me!” Shut up. Let me finish. Save money! Set aside some of your monthly paycheck and deposit it into your savings account. This saving process as a whole will take a while, so don’t expect to get a tricked out sexy car until you’re older and have a less minimum wage-y income. Yeah, prolly can’t get that quite yet. ---->

8 “How much do I save?” $3000 is enough for a good used car. How soon do ya want it? 10 months? Save $300 a month, or $75 a week. Too much? Fine, lower that to $200 a month and get the car in 15 months. Still too much? Make it $100 a month and get the car in 30 months. Find a plan that suits your income and money personality.

9 4.Pay Cash for College Okay, college costs a crap ton of money. But if you take a bunch of loans, the interest will snowball over the years and plunge you into even deeper debt. In the end you could end up having to pay double your original tuition! Try saving up cash to pay your tuition up front.

10 “College costs like 10x that of a used car!” Yeah, I know. Welcome to America. However, try to save up as much as you can now. Don’t start later. The earlier you save, the more you get compared to someone who starts later. You may not be able to pay your whole tuition in cash, but you could be able to pay for most of it if you’re devoted to your plan.

11 5.Build Wealth and Give ●There are a few different ways to build wealth, but all include saving. ●Compound Interest: The idea of earning interest upon interest. The more time you have, the more you can make on your money.

12 Mathematical Formula There is more to Compound Interest than just a basic idea! There’s also math involved *shudder*

13 The Equation A=P((1+(r/n)) nt Key: P=Principal or starting amount of money r=Annual rate of interest (decimal) t=Amount of time the money is deposited A=Amount of money after n amount of years n=Number of times the interest is compounded per year.

14 Equations Better Explained Time is money, and the more time you have for compound interest to take effect, the more money you’ll have at the end.

15 Now onto Giving The beauty building wealth is that eventually you can give some back!

16 The End Goal Nobody wants to be riddled with debt and fees, and with these five foundations you will be better prepared to avoid and if need be handle debt.


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