I. Progressivism; aimed at returning control of the government to the people a.Four Goals… –Protecting Social Welfare Social Gospel & settlement houses.

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2 I. Progressivism; aimed at returning control of the government to the people a.Four Goals… –Protecting Social Welfare Social Gospel & settlement houses YMCA; opened libraries, sponsored classes, built swimming pools Salvation Army; fed the poor, cared for children

3 –Promoting Moral Reform Prohibition; banning alcoholic beverages WCTU (Women’s Christian Temperance Union) members entered saloons, sang, prayed, urged saloon keepers to stop selling alcohol –Economic Reform Panic of 1893 brought criticism on the capitalist system Socialism becomes more popular Journalists wrote about the corrupt side of business – Muckrackers; dug up dirt on businesses/politics

4 –Fostering Efficiency Scientific Management; improve efficiency in the workplace by using modern scientific principles Time and motion studies b.Election Reform – Initiative ; a bill originated by the people rather than lawmakers – Referendum ; voters then vote to approve the Initiative – Recall ; voters could remove a public official from elected position by forcing them to face another election before the end of their term

5 –Remember the Populist Party? The Seventeenth Amendment 1913; The direct election of Senators Strength of third parties in the US is to bring change c. Women’s Suffrage – Seneca Falls Convention 1848 ; Primary purpose to give women the right to vote – Susan B. Anthony ; leader in the suffrage movement; “I would sooner cut off my right hand than ask the ballot for the black man and not for women.”

6 –A Three-part Strategy; 1.Convince state legislatures to grant the vote to women – 1869; Wyoming Territory give women the right to vote – 1890s, Utah, Colorado, Idaho, followed suite 2.Pursued court cases to test the Fourteenth Amendment 3.Push for a national constitutional amendment –Only moderate success until… –World War I – a very gruesome war – Nineteenth Amendment passed in 1919, ratified in 1920 gives women the vote

7 A Little Constitutional Review




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