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組態管理 ( Configuration Management) 陳彥錚 (Yen-Cheng Chen)

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Presentation on theme: "組態管理 ( Configuration Management) 陳彥錚 (Yen-Cheng Chen)"— Presentation transcript:

1 組態管理 ( Configuration Management) 陳彥錚 (Yen-Cheng Chen)

2 組態管理 (CM) 定義  Configuration Management (CM)  The process of finding and setting up (configuring) network devices.  CM identifies, exercises control over, collects data from, and provides data to networked systems.

3 組態管理實施步驟  搜集目前網路組態相關資訊  利用所搜集組態資訊,調整、改變網路設 備之組態。  儲存組態資訊,隨時更新維護其正確性, 並可產生各式報表。

4 組態資訊之搜集  人工方式  遠端登入每一網路設備,讀取設備資訊, 將之記錄於文件、檔案、或資料庫中。  維護不易。  自動化方式  利用網路管理通信協定 (SNMP) 經常性至 網路設備讀取設備資訊,自動儲存於檔案、 或資料庫中。  自動搜尋功能 (Autodiscovery)

5 Autodiscovery  A method used by a network management system to dynamically find the devices attached to a data network.  兩種常見方式  1. 利用 Ping 及網管通信協定  2. 利用網管通信協定

6 1. 利用 Ping 及網管通信協定 (1). Send out a query, such as ICMP Echo (ping) to every possible address on the network. (2). When a device answers the query, ask for detailed information using network management protocol (e.g. SNMP).

7 Autodiscovery 例子 ( 一 ) * Suppose the IP Address of NMS is and the network attached is a Class B network (i.e. netmask is => Possible Addresses: ~ * If there exists another network, e.g., interconnected with network, there exists a router containing at least two interfaces with IP address 140.131.x.x and 163.25.149.x. * Use SNMP to query the IP address table of the devices found by Ping, we can get more information about the existence of other networks and devices.

8 2. 利用網管通信協定 (1). Find one device on the network and query it by NM protocol to discover all of the devices it has communicated with recently. (2). Repeatedly use NM protocol to query the devices found previously.

9 Autodiscovery 例子 ( 二 ) * Suppose the IP Address of NMS is and its default gateway is => * Use SNMP to query itself or  ARP Cache, TCP/UDP Connection Table, IP Address Table, Routing Table. * Use SNMP to query the devices found in the previous query.

10 Automapping  A method used by an NMS to dynamically produce a logical map of a data network.


12 網路圖示之狀態與顏色 Compound Status Status Propagation Default Propagate Most Critical Propagate At Threshold Values (0-100%) % Warning % Minor % Major % Critical


14 組態資訊之調整、改變  Manual modification is not efficient.  Automatic modification should be recorded  NMS can verify the configuration change.

15 組態資訊之儲存  Stored in a central location  Consistency and Availability of configuration data is important.  CM data can be stored in ASCII Text Files or DBMSs.

16 網管系統組態管理功能  Provide for central storage of all network information.  Autodiscovery mechanism  Automapping facility  Automatic data acquisition  Allow user to manually add additional configuration information  Search function

17 網管系統組態管理功能 ( 續 )  Automatically compare current and stored configuration data.  View running configuration graphically.  Make configuration change.  Centralized storage and easy retrieval of data.  Configuration Event/Alarm.  Graphical logical/physical view of devices

18 Configuration Alarms

19 網管系統組態管理功能 ( 續 )  The use of DBMS  Evaluate device configurations  Allow complex query of data in DBMS.  Produce inventory reports.  Provide simple query interface for critical data.

20 作業二  選定一網站,利用 traceroute 偵測,說明偵 測結果。  自行選用 traceroute 工具 (Windows 98/NT 、 UNIX 、或老師提供之 Web-Based 工具 )  下次上課時交  下次上課時交。

21 Traceroute路由追蹤

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