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Final Exam Review Chapter 8 - Quadrilaterals Geometry Ms. Rinaldi.

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Presentation on theme: "Final Exam Review Chapter 8 - Quadrilaterals Geometry Ms. Rinaldi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Exam Review Chapter 8 - Quadrilaterals Geometry Ms. Rinaldi

2 Polygon Interior Angles Theorem The sum of the measures of the interior angles of a convex n-gon is (n-2)·180°

3 Polygon Exterior Angles Theorem The sum of the measures of the exterior angles of a convex polygon is 360°.

4 Parallelograms Definition: A quadrilateral with both pairs of opposite sides parallel Properties: -Opposite sides are congruent -Opposite angles are congruent -Consecutive angles are supplementary -Diagonals bisect each other

5 Rhombus Definition: A parallelogram with 4 congruent sides. Properties: -All properties of a parallelogram -Diagonals are perpendicular -Diagonals bisect opposite angles

6 Rectangle Definition: A parallelogram with four right angles. Properties: -All properties of a parallelogram -Diagonals are congruent

7 Square Definition: A parallelogram with four congruent sides and four right angles. Properties: -All properties of a parallelogram, rhombus, and rectangle

8 Trapezoid Definition: A quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides The parallel sides are the bases. The angles on the same base are called base angles. The nonparallel sides are the legs.

9 Isosceles Trapezoid Definition: A trapezoid with congruent legs. Properties: -Base angles are congruent -Diagonals are congruent

10 Midsegment of a Trapezoid Definition: The segment that connects the midpoints of its legs The midsegment is parallel to each base and one half the sum of the lengths of the bases.

11 Kites Definition: A quadrilateral that has two pairs of consecutive congruent sides, but opposite sides are not congruent Properties: -Diagonals are perpendicular -Exactly one pair of opposite angles are congruent

12 Relationships among Quadrilaterals A square has the most properties, because it is a special type of rectangle, rhombus, and parallelogram.

13 Relationships among Quadrilaterals

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