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Berkeley-Haas PowerPoint Presentation Template

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Presentation on theme: "Berkeley-Haas PowerPoint Presentation Template"— Presentation transcript:

1 Berkeley-Haas PowerPoint Presentation Template
Color Blocks Theme

2 Get Started: 3 Easy Steps!
Step 1: Delete all of these slides. Step 2: Save As your own file name (e.g. “Town Hall Presentation”) Step 3: Add new slides with your own content. Helpful Tips: Save this original template to use as a reference tool. If you want the template to work correctly, it’s best to create new presentations using blank slides, instead of editing existing content.

3 sample slides Modify these slides directly, or insert a “New Slide” and select a layout

4 Header is Arial 44pt First level for bulleted text Arial 32pt
Second level for bulleted text is Arial 28pt Third level for bulleted text is Arial 24pt Fourth level for bulleted text (It’s probably not a good idea to go down to the fourth level in a presentation you’ll be showing to an audience. Text at this size will be very difficult to read.) Fifth level (really not a good idea to go down to the fifth level, if you can help it)

5 Which is more important?
Time Money

6 The New North Academic Building
Expected Fall 2016

7 This is a Bar Chart

8 Helpful Tips For using this template effectively and creating audience-friendly presentations

9 Save This as a Template Go to File > Save As, then save the file as a PowerPoint Template (.pot or .potx). Templates work best when used to create new presentations, and on existing slides that were properly formatted in PowerPoint. Existing slides that were incorrectly formatted will require re-working to put them into a new template format. You may delete some of the sample and tips slides before saving this as a template, so you won’t have to delete them each time you create a new presentation.

10 Fixing Font Issues If the wrong font color or size is showing up after you’ve inserted your existing presentation into this template or pasted text from another source, follow these steps to fix the problem: Duplicate the slide. Delete the text box containing the incorrectly formatted text. Rewrite the text in the “Click to add text” box OR copy the text from the duplicate slide and go to Edit > Paste Special > Unformatted Text.

11 Don’t Use Tiny Fonts For effective presentation delivery to an audience, avoid using fonts smaller than 30pt. (A tip from our friend, Guy Kawasaki.) Ok, fine…use 24pt, but nothing smaller than that! When you run out of space, opt for getting rid of words instead of making the text smaller.

12 Other Resources Berkeley-Haas Style Guide
Guy Kawasaki’s 10/20/30 Rule of PowerPoint Go to Slideshow view to click on the hyperlinks, or copy and paste the URLs into your browser.

13 Thank you! #haasome

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