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Next Generation Science Standards Advancing Inquiry-based Teaching & Learning through Action Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Next Generation Science Standards Advancing Inquiry-based Teaching & Learning through Action Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Next Generation Science Standards Advancing Inquiry-based Teaching & Learning through Action Research

2 NGSS (2013) Practice Real-world Connections Content NGSS serves as a guideline for states, districts, schools and teachers to facilitate student learning Goals reflect what students should know and are able to do

3 NGSS’ Vision SCIENCE TEACHINGSCIENCE LEARNING Coherent, rigorous inquiry-based instruction Direct engagement in scientific practices in order to fully appreciate the nature of scientific knowledge Requires identification of assumptions, use of critical and logical thinking, and consideration of alternative explanations. Acquisition and application of scientific knowledge to unique situations Expert teachers arrange performance expectations as deemed necessary to support the developmental needs of learners. Opportunities to critically think and reason scientifically in order to solve real-world challenges Click on this link to watch: NGSS’ (2013) Vision for Science Education

4 Facets of Inquiry Making observations Posing questions Examining sources of information to learn what is already known Planning investigation Reviewing experimental evidence Using tools to gather, analyze, and interpret data Proposing answers, explanations, and predictions Communicating results

5 The On-going Challenge “Many teachers have not embraced this pedagogical approach, which encourages students to think scientifically due to the complexity of teaching in a non-traditional, inquiry-based manner” (Fradd & Lee, 1999). Elementary science teaching methods continue to most prevalently reflect the use of worksheets and textbook reading of definitions (Dept. of Edu., 2000). Despite national efforts to encourage the use of inquiry-based teaching practices, many science teachers still do not practice science as inquiry with their students (Lebak & Tinsley, 2010). “There has been a tremendous concern that our efforts are simply not resulting in the desired level of inquiry-based teaching” (Meyer, Meyer, Nabb, Connell & Avery, 2011).

6 Tensions between Experiment & Enactment Limiting Factors: Lacking familiarity with scientific inquiry processes Lacking pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in science education The challenging application of the practice in the real-world, diverse context of the classroom

7 EDUCATOR UNCERTAINTY Together, these considerations generate the grave uncertainty that is often to blame for “teacher anxiety, frustration, and poor teaching” practices in the subject area (Capobianco, 2010).

8 What is Action Research? A “systematic, self-reflective, yet collaborative inquiry approach aimed at constructing knowledge about one’s practice, with the major goals of improving and coming to a better understanding of that practice” (Carr & Kemmis, 1986; Cochran-Smith & Lytle, 1993; Stenhouse, 1975). Practitioners’ “plan, act, observe, reflect, and improve upon their educational situation,” sharing findings publically with all interested in transforming educational practices.

9 The Promise of Action Research Teachers as Inquirers Teachers are led to personally experience & thus more deeply comprehend the characteristics of the process that NGSS (2013) requires they facilitate in elementary science classrooms. Teachers as collaborative Learners Teachers collaborate with colleagues to study and inform their science practice, deepening their pedagogical content knowledge, and overcoming the uncertainty that is commonplace as they facilitate inquiry. Teachers as Knowledge Generators Authentic data from within real elementary science classrooms can be used to inform and improve elementary science practices, as well as increase the potential for realistic and sustainable reform.

10 Recommendations Support the Values of Inquiry Administrators: provide opportunity for shared professional discussion, collegial modeling & observation of teaching practices Create an open climate for learning within PLC Contexts Develop Teachers as Researchers Districts: offer expert personnel, literature, & professional development meetings focused on teaching the nature of action research, as well as appropriate research methods Create a Culture of Teacher Inquiry Administrators: maintain interest in teachers’ inquiries, engaging them in related discussion, offering specific resources such as personnel and literature, and sharing groups’ findings throughout the school to inform practice Use Authentic Data to Inform Reform States and districts: acknowledge teaching as a research-based profession Support educators to write about findings & attend national science conferences Use & share data to inform advocated inquiry practices

11 References Capobianco, B. M., & Feldman, A. (2010). Repositioning teacher action research in science teacher education. Journal of Science Teacher Education,21(8), 909-915. Carr, W., & Kemmis, S. (1986). Becoming critical: Education, knowledge, and action research. Lewes, UK: Falmer. Cochran-Smith, M., & Lytle, S. (1992). Communities for teacher research: Fringe or forefront? American Journal of Education, (100), 298–324. Cullen, T.A., Akerson, V.L., & Hanson, D.L. (2010). Using Action Research to Engage K-6 Teachers in Nature of Science Inquiry as Professional Development. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 21(8), 971-992. Fradd, S., & Lee, O. (1999). Teachers’ roles in promoting science inquiry with students from diverse language backgrounds. Educational Researcher, (28), 14–20.

12 References (cont.) Lebak, K., & Tinsley, R. (2010). Can inquiry and reflection be contagious? Science teachers, students, and action research. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 21(8), 953-970. Meyer, D., Meyer, A., Nabb, K., Connel, M., & Avery, L. (2011). A Theoretical and Empirical Exploration of Intrinsic Problems in Designing Inquiry Activities. Research in Science Education, (43), 57-76. Next Generation Science Standards (2013). Retrieved May 27, 2013, from Stenhouse, L. (1975). Introduction to curriculum research and development. London: Heinemann.

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