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Chapter 3 Section 2 Creating and Ratifying the Constitution Two Opposing Plans –James Madison designed what became known as the Virginia Plan –Called.

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2 Chapter 3 Section 2 Creating and Ratifying the Constitution Two Opposing Plans –James Madison designed what became known as the Virginia Plan –Called for a government with three branches. 1. Legislative branch- make the laws 2. Executive branch- carry out the laws 3. Judicial branch- courts to interpret the laws.

3 Two Opposing Plans continued The legislature would be divided into two houses. States would be represented on the basis of their population in each. Larger State=More votes Appealed to delegates from Massachusetts, New York, Virginia and Pennsylvania. Smaller states feared that government controlled by large states would ignore their interests.

4 Two Opposing Plans continued After two weeks of Angry discussion, William Patterson presented an alternate proposal known as the New Jersey Plan –Also called for three branches of government. –However, the Legislature would only be made up of ONE house and each state would only get ONE vote. –Delaware, New Jersey and Maryland approved this plan because it made them equal with big states. –Large states would not accept this plan

5 Constitutional Comprises The Great Compromise -A committee led by Roger Sherman came up with an answer. –Two house legislature 1. Senate-States have equal representation 2. House of Representatives-representation was based on population. Though neither group was thrilled they decided to accept the proposal and it became known as the Great Compromise

6 The Three-Fifths Compromise There were questions on how to calculate the population for the purpose of representation. There were more that 550,000 enslaved African Americans in the South. South thought they should count, North did not. They decided that every 5 enslaved persons would count as three free persons. This was known as the Three- Fifths Compromise

7 Other Compromises The delegates compromised on many other things. –Trade- Congress could regulate trade between the states but couldn’t tax exports or interfere with the slave trade before 1808. –Choosing the President Some believed Congress should choose. Others believed the people should vote The result was the Electoral College.

8 Approving the Constitution The last meeting was September 17 th, 1787. The Constitution was completed and only 3 delegates out of 42 didn’t sign it. They decided that the states would vote yes or no to ratify the Constitution. If at least 9 of the 13 states voted yes the Constitution would become the supreme law of the land.

9 A Divided Public People who approved the Constitution were called federalists. They said the Constitution would create a system of federalism. Federalists reminded people about flaws in the Articles of Confederation. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay wrote essays known as The Federalist to defend the Constitution.

10 A Divided Public Continued People who opposed the Constitution were known as Anti-Federalists. –Felt that it gave too much power to the national government and took away too much from states. –Also objected to absence of Bill of Rights –Thought Constitution failed to protect certain freedoms like speech and religion

11 Reaching Agreement They eventually agreed the Bill of Rights was a good idea. –Promised if Constitution was adopted, the government would add a Bill of Rights to it. –On June 21 st 1788 New Hampshire became the 9 th state to ratify the Constitution. –After that the Constitution took effect. –In time the remaining 4 states signed the Constitution ending with Rhode Island in 1790. –The thirteen states became one nation, The United States of America.

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