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Leadership is Everyone’s Business “No institution can possibly survive if it needs geniuses or supermen to manage it. It must be organized in such a way.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership is Everyone’s Business “No institution can possibly survive if it needs geniuses or supermen to manage it. It must be organized in such a way."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership is Everyone’s Business “No institution can possibly survive if it needs geniuses or supermen to manage it. It must be organized in such a way as to be able to get along under a leadership composed of average human beings.” ~ Peter Drucker

2 The Objectives of This Class Define leadership. Share some facts. Look at relationship between Leaders and followers. Explore a leadership model. Focus on Authentic Leadership.

3 Leaders vs. Managers Managers Administer Maintain Control Short-term view Ask “How” and “When” Imitate Accept status quo Do things right Leaders Innovate Develop Inspire Long-term view Ask “Why” and “What” Originate Challenge the status quo Do the right things

4 Why is Leadership Important? For crisis situations For organizational performance For employee job satisfaction For successful management

5 Question What is LEADERSHIP?

6 Answer Leadership is the influencing process of leaders and followers to achieve objectives through action.

7 Key Elements of Leadership Key Elements of Leadership Influence Organizational Objectives People Change Relationships

8 The Interactional Framework for Analyzing Leadership Figure 2-1

9 Leader! Figure 2-1

10 Universal Positive Leadership Traits Trustworthy Just Honest Foresighted Plans Ahead Encouraging Informed Excellence Oriented Positive Dynamic Motive arouser Confidence Builder Motivational Dependable Coordinator Intelligent Decisive Effective Bargainer Win-win problem solver Administratively skilled Communicative Team Builder

11 A Leader Brings… Intelligence Personality/ Traits Values Motives Goals Knowledge Experience Skills/ Competencies

12 SO… WHO ARE YOU? In which box is your strength?

13 Followers – just a little Figure 2-1

14 Focus on Followers “The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been.” ~ Henry Kissenger Performance Satisfaction Motivation Groups & Teams

15 Followership You cannot be a leader, and ask other people to follow you, unless you know how to follow, too. Sam Rayburn Speaker of the House 1961

16 Do We Have a Clear Picture? Leaders usually contribute < 20% We are in constant Back and Forth More time following – 70-90% of our lives Most discussion center on leadership rather than 80-90% doing the work.

17 Leadership is an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes that reflect their shared purposes. Rost

18 Definition of Followership The willingness to cooperate in working towards the accomplishment of the group mission, to demonstrate a high degree of teamwork and to build cohesion among the group. Kelley

19 Complimentary Leaders and followers share a common purpose There is a shared sense of power between the two Mutual engagement Seamless relationship

20 Sheep Passive/Uncritical Do Not Play An Active Role Simply Comply With Any Order Given

21 Yes People Active Followers Readily Carry Out Orders Always Says What He Thinks the Leader Wants to Hear

22 Survivors Right in the Middle Rarely Committed to Work Group Don’t Make Waves Mediocre Performers Clogging the Arteries of an Organization

23 Alienated Followers Passive/Critical Festering Wounds in an Organization Criticize At Will, But Never Offer Constructive Support

24 Effective Followers Active/Critical The Ideal Follower Reflect on Organization Goals Not Hesitant to Bring Concerns to Leader

25 What Followers Want Be predictable Be understanding Be enthusiastic Set the example Show support Get out of the office Keep promises Praise generously Hold your fire Always be fair

26 The Leadership Challenge Kouzes and Posner Leadership is a Process When the Situation Calls For It – Be Ready Leading Others in Times of Uncertainty

27 The Leadership Challenge FIVE EASY STEPS 1. Model the Way 2. Inspire a Shared Vision 3. Enable Others to Act 4. Challenge the Process 5. Encourage the Heart

28 The Leadership Challenge Conclusion Leadership Is Everyone’s Business

29 Authentic Leadership Undertitled Your title doesn’t reflect all you do or all you accomplish SUPREME COMMANDER

30 Authentic Leadership We can be a leader Leadership is shown through our everyday activities and the way we influence the lives of those around us!

31 Authentic Leadership QUALITIES Active with purpose rather than getting bogged down by mindless activity Caring about and listening to others

32 Authentic Leadership QUALITIES Looking for ways to ENCOURAGE the contributions and development of others rather than focusing solely on personal achievements Creating a legacy of accomplishment and contribution in everything they do

33 Authentic Leadership DEFINITION Leadership is a Positive Influence MOTIVATOR Passion

34 Authentic Leadership Measure of a Leader Do you shape your life and career? Do you inspire or influence others? Do you work to achieve specific goals by working with or coordinating efforts of others?

35 Leadership Is Yours! Make the Choice!

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