Origin of Geomagnet 1.Introduction to MHD 2.Dynamo theory 3.Geodynamo 3.5 Secular variation&Field reversals 4.Reference 김희준.

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Presentation on theme: "Origin of Geomagnet 1.Introduction to MHD 2.Dynamo theory 3.Geodynamo 3.5 Secular variation&Field reversals 4.Reference 김희준."— Presentation transcript:

1 Origin of Geomagnet 1.Introduction to MHD 2.Dynamo theory 3.Geodynamo 3.5 Secular variation&Field reversals 4.Reference 김희준

2 Magnetohydrodynamics Fluid Motion Magnetic fields

3 Fundamental eqs. Maxwell’s eqs. (→continuity eq) Navier-Stokes eq. Ohm’s law Incompressible flow

4 Del dot u=0 div

5 MHD approximation E is gone! Induction equation –cf)vorticity eq



8 Magnetic Reynolds Number Non-dimensionalisation of induction eq. Measures relative strength Two limiting cases


10 Diffusive limit Rm<<1 Field is not decaying!!

11 Perfectly conducting limit Rm>>1 Alfven’s theorem: The magnetic flux through any material surface of a perfectly conducting fluid is a constant.

12 Lorentz Force Magnetic pressure Magnetic tension


14 Dynamo theory 1.Can we construct a steady velocity field leading to dynamo action? yes 2.Can the velocity field be maintained by some force, say Coriolis or buoyancy force, in the face of lorentz force which tends to slow the fluid down? maybe =>no self-consistent model of geo- dynamo yet!

15 Energetics

16 Antidynamo theory Cowling’s theorem


18 Mean-field dynamo theory Recall cowli ng’s theor em

19 Geodynamo Azimuthal&poloidal field inducing each other Differential rotation Small-scale turbulance

20 α -ω model α -effect Differential rotation α -effect: possibility for α^2 dynamo

21 Axisymmetric field decomposition Axisymmetric mean field dynamo Decaying of poloidal field


23 Secular variation & Field reversals Secular variation is thought to be caused by outer part of the core moving slower than the inner part. Convection! Free-decay models vs Dynamic-reversing models Deterministic chaotic vs nonchaotic

24 Reference Davidson, An introduction to Magnetohydrodynamics Merrill, Mcelhinny, Mcfadden, The Magnetic Field of The Earth http://www.maths.gla.ac.uk/~drf/courses/mh d/lect1.pdf

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