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Points, Lines and Planes

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Presentation on theme: "Points, Lines and Planes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Points, Lines and Planes
Section 1-2 Points, Lines and Planes

2 A Point A point has no dimension.
No length, no width and no thickness. It is named using capital printed letters.

3 A Line Two points determine a line.
B A Two points determine a line. A line is an infinite set of points that extends in two directions without ending. Has no width and no thickness It is named using a single lower case cursive letter or by two points on the line,

4 Collinear Noncollinear Points that are on the same line.
Points that ARE NOT on the same line.

5 A Plane At least three noncollinear points determine a plane.
B C M At least three noncollinear points determine a plane. A plane is an infinite amount of points that creates a flat surface It extends in two dimensions without ending.

6 A Plane Has no thickness
B C M Has no thickness Usually pictured as a parallelogram, although it has NO edges It is named using a capital cursive letter or by three points in the plane

7 Coplanar Noncoplanar Points that DO NOT lie in the same plane
Points that lie in the same plane Noncoplanar Points that DO NOT lie in the same plane

8 A Line segment Piece of a line Has two endpoints
X Z Piece of a line Has two endpoints It is named using the two endpoints,

9 ray X Z Part of a line Extends indefinitely in one direction. It has exactly one endpoint. It is named using the endpoint first,

10 Opposite rays Formed by three collinear points Share the same endpoint
X Z Y Formed by three collinear points Share the same endpoint For example, Y is between X and Z so and are opposite rays

11 Two or more geometric figures intersect if they have one or more points in common.

12 The intersection of two lines is a point.
The intersection of two planes is a line.

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