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LYON permanent Team involved in MONET

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Presentation on theme: "LYON permanent Team involved in MONET"— Presentation transcript:

1 LYON permanent Team involved in MONET
Marie-Laure Bocquet, CNRS Researcher, Lyon David Loffreda, CNRS Researcher,Lyon +External Collaborator: Nicolas Lorente, Professor IUF, Toulouse Special Thanks to Herve Lesnard, 3rd Year PhD

2 Outline Introduction to periodic DFT approach (VASP code)
I. Classical outputs in our group II. New outputs in our group III. Projects

3 Density Functional Theory (DFT): Kohn-Sham equations
‘The ‘orbital’ concept : one-electron wave function if V( r) periodic

4 Various methods for solving Kohn-Sham equations

5 The surface model… slabs!
surface = 3D metallic slab (supercell approach) coverage = adlayer + superstructure

6 Adsorption and surface energies
DFT: energy at T=0 K et P=0 atm Eads = energy gain due to adsorption surf = energy loss due to surface formation

7 Bridging (T,P) gaps!… Atomistic thermodynamics
free Gibbs energy G(T,P) Gas phase = large reservoir imposing its temperature and pressure on the adsorbed phase… …temperature effects on metal negligible

8 I. Classical outputs in our group
STM simulations Vibration Analysis HREELS Spectra simulation Reactive pathways

9 STM simulations (Lorente)
Workhorse Improvement: Matching procedure of DFT sample swith analytical exp. decaying s. =>Plot density contours at realistic distances.

10 Ex: STM simulations of phenyl and benzyl species
Structures Improved TH simulations

11 Vibration Analysis: normal modes

12 Ex: CH modes for phenyl and benzyl species on Cu(100)
In and Out Decoupling Coupling

13 IRAS and EELS intensity calculations
Infrared Reflection-Absorption Spectroscopy (IRAS) Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) in Specular Geometry Selection rules: vibrational modes giving rise to an oscillating dynamic dipole moment along the surface normal are active

14 (Haubrich, Loffreda et al, CPL 2006)
Ex: Structure Recognition - HREELS croton/Pt(111) (Haubrich, Loffreda et al, CPL 2006)

15 Transition State Search (Henkelman & Jonsson)
« Nudged-Elastic Band » (NEB) method Set of n images linked with spring forces ‘Nudged’ force acting on each i image:

16 Ex: Successive Dehydrogenation on Cu(100) (Lesnard, Bocquet, Lorente, JACS in press 2007)
TS structures Benzyl + 2H Benzene Phenyl + H

17 II. New outputs in our group
STM-IETS simulations Electrochemical phase diagram: water/Pd

18 Elastic and Inelastic Electron Tunneling
(Stipe, Rezaei, Ho, 98)

19 IETS: theoretical strategy
(Lorente, Persson et al, PRL 00,01) Local density of one-electron states

20 (Lorente, Persson et al, PRL 00,01)
IETS: methodology (Lorente, Persson et al, PRL 00,01)  response to a vibration k: 4-step procedure finite difference

21 (Lauhon & Ho, SS 2000 and Komeda et al, JCP 2004)
Ex: IETS experiments (Lauhon & Ho, SS 2000 and Komeda et al, JCP 2004) Cu(100) Pulse 2.9 V C6H6 dis-C6H6 : benzyl

22 (Bocquet, Lesnard, Lorente, PRL 06)
Ex:IETS simulations (Bocquet, Lesnard, Lorente, PRL 06) Phenyl (-1H) Benzyl (-2H) dis-C6H6 Rule out experimental assigment

23 The electrochemical approach
(Filhol and Neurock, Angewandte 2006) Electrochemical energy

24 Ex: water 1ML /Pd(111): charged interface!
(Filhol&Bocquet, CPL 2007 in press) H-up / Pd(111) H-down / Pd(111) Pd disproportionation

25 Ex: Charge control of oxygen buckling
(Filhol&Bocquet, CPL 2007 in press)

26 Monet Project: liquid+molecules/metal interface
(Fradelos’s PhD project) Insertion of Large organic Molecules Image: Courtesy of JS Filhol Explicit water: multilayers

27 Monet Project: graphene/Ru interface
(Wang’s PhD project) STM/STS simulations STM image: J. Wintterlin’s group PRB 2007 in press Moiré pattern 11x11

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