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GCC S KI AND S NOWBOARD C LUB ~Spring Break trip to Stowe.

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1 GCC S KI AND S NOWBOARD C LUB ~Spring Break trip to Stowe

2 W HEN A RE W E G OING ? Spring Break Depart Wednesday February 25 th, 2009 Arrive early Thursday Quick change into ski gear Eat breakfast (fruits, OJ, granola bars, etc) Ski Thursday and Friday Depart Friday night Return early Saturday morning

3 W HERE A RE W E G OING ? Stowe, VT Upstate VT, ~11 hours from Grove City Resort: Commodores Inn Stowe Lodging:

4 H OW D O W E G ET T HERE ? Greyhound style bus TV/DVD system Bathroom on board Rest stops (at driver’s discretion) Food for bus trip Bring your own!

5 H OW M UCH AND W HAT D OES I T C OVER ? $220 per person Skiing / Boarding 2-day all area lift ticket 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM Lodging 1 night in the Commodores Inn 4 people per room (Grove City style) 2 per bed… get cozy Food Continental breakfast (Thursday and Friday) Dinner (Thursday) Lunch (Friday) Only 2 means on your own!

6 H OW M UCH AND W HAT D OES I T C OVER ? Transportation Bus ride (there and back) **Bring comfortable clothes on the bus and BLANKETS If you need to rent… EXTRA $54 for 2 day rentals Skis, board, or blades If you need a lesson… EXTRA $37 90 minute group lesson

7 M ISCELLANEOUS Night on the town Thursday night after dinner Free shuttle into the Stowe Village Souvenir shops, coffee houses, etc. Stay out as late as you want but remember you need to be up and ready to ski tomorrow Secondary Insurance Check with you parents over Fall Break

8 M ISCELLANEOUS Payment Plan $100 due on October 31 st $100 due on November 30 th Remainder due before Christmas Break Checks payable to GCC Ski and Snowboard Club Send to Michael Soriano (Box 1675) Sign up on website


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