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The Swiss Grid Initiative Context and Initiation Work by CSCS Peter Kunszt, CSCS.

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Presentation on theme: "The Swiss Grid Initiative Context and Initiation Work by CSCS Peter Kunszt, CSCS."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Swiss Grid Initiative Context and Initiation Work by CSCS Peter Kunszt, CSCS

2 Swiss Grid Day 28_09_2006, P. KunsztOverview CSCS’s motivation and involvement in Grid projects Swiss Grid Initiative  Why having an initiative?  Definition of the initiative’s main goals  Mission Statement  Organisation: Elements Myself  Education: PhD in Theoretical Physics (Lattice QCD)  Building the Science Archive for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (1997 – 2001, Johns Hopkins University Baltimore)  Leader of the Data Management Middleware Development effort in the EU DataGrid et EGEE-1 (2001 – 2006, CERN)  Leader of CSCS Grid Team,  Self-declared Manager of the Swiss Grid Initiative (CSCS)

3 Swiss Grid Day 28_09_2006, P. Kunszt CSCS: Center for Excellent Support and Center for Excellence in Scientific Computing Mission: Center for Excellent Support  Provide leading-class services for scientific computing to the Swiss research community.  Provide, develop and promote technical and scientific services for the Swiss research community on the fields of high- performance and high-throughput computing.  CSCS is a scientific and service centre and quality is the overriding criteria guiding all its choices.  CSCS participates in international partnerships and provides through these a broader spectrum of computation facilities to its users. Mission: Center of Excellence in Scientific Computing  Pioneering new information technologies  Collaborating with domestic and foreign researchers  Carrying out its own research in scientific computing.

4 Swiss Grid Day 28_09_2006, P. Kunszt CSCS: Diamond Profile Computing Facility Profile:  High Capability Supercomputers  High Capability Clusters

5 Swiss Grid Day 28_09_2006, P. Kunszt Interest in Grid and Collaborative Computing Embedding of the CSCS resources  Accessibility of CSCS resources by our users through the user’s local resources  Complement supercomputing resources with a set of well- maintained clusters to perform pre- and postprocessing tasks  Necessary for collaborative science  DataGrid aspect: share data with user’s home institute and other centers Optimal usage of resources  Many requests for cycles are from applications that would be better suited for the Grid  Need to have a well-working national Grid for such applications as they cannot all be served by CSCS

6 Swiss Grid Day 28_09_2006, P. Kunszt CSCS’s Involvement in Grid Projects EGEE and LCG  CSCS is the Swiss Tier2 for LCG  CSCS is a key partner in the DECH federation  Involved in operations, application support, training and dissemination of EGEE in Switzerland and for all of EGEE Swiss Bio Grid  Project Management  Technical Coordination  Application Integration Intelligent Scheduler System  Project Management  Infrastructure coordination and support  Application oriented scheduling SEPAC  Local infrastructure  Coordination  Application Gridification Details will be given by the individual project presentations later today

7 Swiss Grid Day 28_09_2006, P. Kunszt CSCS and the Swiss Grid Initiative To set up an initiative on the national scale is in the Performance Mandate of CSCS for 2004-2007 First plan and initiation happened in 2004 by Marie-Christine Sawley Most advancement in terms of realizing the initiative since january 2006 : hire of PK as the Manager of the Swiss Grid Initiative

8 Swiss Grid Day 28_09_2006, P. Kunszt The Swiss Grid Initiative Why having an Initiative? Let’s have a few quotes from this conference

9 Bringing the best brains together....... Communication Network Sharing Scientific Resources Scientific Data e-Infrastructures in FP7 - strategy Sharing the best scientific resources Weather Forecast VO Biomedics VO Astrophysics VO Producing the best science Mario Campolargo: e-Infrastructures in FP7 - strategy

10 Swiss Grid Day 28_09_2006, P. Kunszt Dan Atkins – Director of US NSF Office of Cyberinfrastructure “Cyberinfrastructure-enhanced knowledge communities offer the potential for enabling a new wave of global-scale collaboration across multiple disciplines, geography, and institutions. It could empower a revolution in what science explores, how it is done, and who participates. Realizing this potential will, however, also required a new wave of commitment to collaboration between the complex array of stakeholders necessary to create, deploy, sustain, and apply cyberinfrastructure in transformative ways. Cyberinfrastructure both enables and requires a new wave of collaboration.”

11 Swiss Grid Day 28_09_2006, P. Kunszt Grid Computing in Switzerland – High Level Goals Collaboration: Enabling Scientific Discovery  Collaborate on common scientific interests  Build Virtual Organizations nationally and internationally  Seamless and transparent application usage, project portals  Building communities and explore synergies

12 Swiss Grid Day 28_09_2006, P. Kunszt Grid Computing in Switzerland – High Level Goals Resource Sharing: Pooling of Available Resources  Optimal usage of national resources  Pooling of available resources at research institutions  Easy access to heterogeneous resources

13 Swiss Grid Day 28_09_2006, P. Kunszt Grid Computing in Switzerland – High Level Goals Coordination: Building an Infrastructure  Agreements on the usage of the available resources  Coordinated support of the resources  Sharing of tools and middleware

14 Swiss Grid Day 28_09_2006, P. Kunszt Grid Computing in Switzerland – High Level Goals Representation of Interests  Coordination is needed to formulate Swiss Requirements and Interests  Participation in EU and international bodies  Standardization efforts

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