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The gLite API – PART I Giuseppe LA ROCCA INFN Catania Master Class for Life Science, 4-6 May 2010 Singapore.

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Presentation on theme: "The gLite API – PART I Giuseppe LA ROCCA INFN Catania Master Class for Life Science, 4-6 May 2010 Singapore."— Presentation transcript:

1 The gLite API – PART I Giuseppe LA ROCCA INFN Catania Master Class for Life Science, 4-6 May 2010 Singapore

2 VOMS J a v a A P I (ver 1.8.12-1) Software Requirements Java Classes t Hands-on

3 Installing the Java API The needed libraries to interact with the VOMS server are: –glite-security-voms.jar –bcprov.jar –log4j.jar –cog-jglobus.jar –common-lang.jar –common-cli.jar –glite-security-utils.jar –commons-logging-api.jar –puretls.jar –cryptix.jar –cryptix32.jar –cryptix-asn1.jar W A R N I N G Make sure all the listed jar(s) are included in your CLASSPATH environment variable !!

4 Installing the Java API NOTE: There are conflicts with glite-security-voms.jar when using glite-security-utils.jar which should be located after glite-security-voms.jar in the CLASSPATH environment variable. The conflicting classes that are the ones contained in the both packages are of older version. These libraries can be downloaded from herehere

5 Before we begin with the proxy generation, we need to specify the following System properties. If omitted the default values are used. Configure System properties

6 Configure the VOMS Server settings using the Java class Configure VOMS Server settings

7 The main Java class of this API is: A client object can be created providing to the constructor a password for the opening of the user certificate: public static VOMSProxyInit instance(String privateKeyPassword) Instantiate the class

8 Parameters and Methods /1 After the generation of the VOMSProxyInit object class, we need to specify additional parameters for the proxy generation.

9 Parameters and Methods /2

10 Parameters and Methods /3

11 Links and References VOMS Proxy using Java API

12 Hands-on Connect to the training infrastructure using the information reported in the tutorial sheet Run the hands-on available in this web link: User Interface: Accounts: –Username: singapore02-singapore39 –Password: GridSIN02-GridSIN39 –PassPhrase: SINGAPORE $ cd ${HOME}/Api-Java-VOMS To compile and run the example: $ source

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