PERC meeting 31 March 2011 ITUH - Brussels 1 Council of Europe (Revised) Social Charter Trade union & workers’ representative rights Conclusions 2010 Stefan.

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Presentation on theme: "PERC meeting 31 March 2011 ITUH - Brussels 1 Council of Europe (Revised) Social Charter Trade union & workers’ representative rights Conclusions 2010 Stefan."— Presentation transcript:

1 PERC meeting 31 March 2011 ITUH - Brussels 1 Council of Europe (Revised) Social Charter Trade union & workers’ representative rights Conclusions 2010 Stefan Clauwaert ETUI Senior Researcher ETUC Advisor CoE

2 Council of Europe (Revised) Social Charter Two ways to make case law by ECSR: –Reporting system – national reports –Collective complaints (BE, BG, CY, EL, FI, FR, HR, IRE, IT, NL, NO, PT & SE) Reporting - Conclusions 2010 –Group 3: Labour Rights –Reference period: 2005-2008 –National reports were due by 31/10/2009 –Possibility for national SP’s to react! –Conclusions by ECSR: December 2010 –Deliberation Governmental Committee: 2011 (May/Oct) – ETUC!

3 Council of Europe (Revised) Social Charter 1961 Charter (ESC) - Conclusions XIX-3 (2010) The following states: –Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Latvia, Luxembourg, Netherlands (Netherlands Antilles, Aruba), Poland, Slovakia, Spain, “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” and United Kingdom The following rights: –The right to just conditions of work (Article 2), –the right to a fair remuneration (Article 4), –the right to organise (Article 5), –the right to bargain collectively (Article 6), –the right to information and consultation (Article 2 of the Additional Protocol), –the right to take part in the determination and improvement of the working conditions and working environment (Article 3 of the Additional Protocol).

4 Council of Europe (Revised) Social Charter Revised Charter (RESC) – Conclusions 2010 The following states: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, Netherlands (Kingdom in Europe), Norway, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden, Turkey and Ukraine The following rights: the right to just conditions of work (Article 2) the right to a fair remuneration (Article 4) the right to organise (Article 5) the right to bargain collectively (Article 6) the right to information and consultation (Article 21) the right to take part in the determination and improvement of the working conditions and working environment (Article 22) the right to dignity at work (Article 26) the right of workers’ representatives to protection in the undertaking and facilities to be accorded to them (Article 28) the right to information and consultation in collective redundancy procedures (Article 29)

5 Council of Europe (Revised) Social Charter Conclusions of the ECSR in relation to your country in: English at: nclusionsIndex_en.asp (click on the name of your country and then click on the subsection conclusions “2010” or conclusions “XIX-3”) nclusionsIndex_en.asp French at: clusionsindex_FR.asp (click sur le nom de votre pays et click après sur la sous-section conclusions « 2010 » ou conclusions « XIX-3 ») clusionsindex_FR.asp Conclusions What?: discussions in view of the adoption of eventual sanctions (warnings or recommendations) When?: 2-6 May 2011 and 17-18 October 2011 By whom?: Governmental Committee Social Charters (including ETUC representatives – full intervention right/no voting right)

6 Council of Europe (Revised) Social Charter THUS TO DO: 1.Have a close look at the Conclusions for your country 2.In particular those relating to the trade union and workers’ representative rights 3.Provide ETUC with any information on these conclusions which you feel relevant and appropriate to share (e.g. have there been new (legislative) developments to the positive or negative?, are eventual changes to the positive or negative envisaged?, etc.) 4.Send before 15 April 2011 to: ETUC representatives at the Governmental Committee Stefan Clauwaert –– Henri Lourdelle –

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