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How do they compare? LEGAL CODES IN HISTORY.  To protect society  To regulate behavior  To illustrate religious/moral/ethical behavior  To peacefully.

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Presentation on theme: "How do they compare? LEGAL CODES IN HISTORY.  To protect society  To regulate behavior  To illustrate religious/moral/ethical behavior  To peacefully."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do they compare? LEGAL CODES IN HISTORY

2  To protect society  To regulate behavior  To illustrate religious/moral/ethical behavior  To peacefully negotiate relationships between individuals and/or between individuals and the government  To punish the wrongdoers WHAT ARE THE PURPOSE OF LAWS?

3  Grouping- ( all documents) politically, economically and culturally or by time period or by region  Meaning- a basic one sentence understanding of the document ( all of them)  POV; evaluate the bias and its purpose for at least 2 ( more is better)  Additional document/missing voice- perspectives not represented throughout the documents you have and why opt would add greater understanding of the thesis( comparative role of legal codes) WHAT TO DO WITH THE DOCS?

4  Religious and political bias which illustrates both the rigid and harsh punishments of Babylonian society as well as the social divisions and importance of property  Can be grouped politically, economically and culturally or by ancient or Middle East  Additional document can come from a legal decision regarding punishment of a son or peasant to illustrate how these laws were enacted DOC #1 CODE OF HAMMURABI

5  Clearly a religious bias written by the Hebrews to illustrate their complicated relationship with a Monotheistic God. Illustrates the moral and ethical behavior their society(ies) should have to regulate behavior  Can be grouped in any theme really or by ancient and/or Middle East ( remember, these laws will continue in Roman times when Constantine legalizes Christianity)  An additional document could be a Hebrew husband who has just committed adultery and the journal he keeps to illustrate the guilt he feels in being non-compliant with the law DOC #2 BOOK OF EXODUS/10 COMMANDMENTS

6  These laws came about due to the protestations of the Plebeians ( lower Roman classes) to enact legal rights for all citizens under the law. It clearly illustrates the role of the father (paterfamilias) and property written by old men ( the Senate)  Can be grouped by any theme, by classical periodization or by Rome  An additional document might come from a legal denial of a Patrician who wishes to marry a Plebian woman and his reaction to illustrate the effectiveness of this law or a plebeians reaction to illustrate whether they were satisfied with these laws. DOCUMENT #3 LAW OF THE 12 TABLES( ROME)

7  These indoctrinated Hindu laws reinforced Hindu norms, values and ethical conduct in accordance with Hinduism’s belief system ( added to Vedic text, Upanishads and Brahmin beliefs). Illustrates the social rigidity, patriarchy and regulates social/caste behavior  Can be grouped by religious or social themes ( although regulated politically as well and caste can be considered economic because it was one’s job/Dharmic duties) by India or classical,  An additional document could be from of bride to illustrate how she complied with the law or a unclean jatti( untouchable) who would illustrate their role and how they might have willingly complied so their samsara ( reincarnation) would elevate them in their next life DOCUMENT #4 LAWS OF MANU

8  Illustrates the legalist philosophy of the Chin Dynasty and the doctrine of punishing all dissent ( those who disagree with the state) though burning books, death penalty or forced labor. It projects as a bit paranoid and might identify why its was such a short lived dynasty  Grouping could be politically, by China or the early classical age( works well also grouped with Hammurabi’s Code in doc #1 for its punitive nature)  An additional document might be an account of a soldier whose enforcement of this law and subsequent execution would illustrate the blind obedience of law enforcement and its extreme actions ( might also help to understand how the China Dynasty got so much done in such a short period of time) DOCUMENT #5 ON THE DESTRUCTION OF BOOKS ( CHIN DYNASTY)

9  A young Christian perspective of the Roman Empire according to the Gospel of Luke as to the taxation of Caesar Augustus and his tax code. Early Christians threatened the Empire ( of Which Jesus was crucified under Augustus’ reign) and believed in a doctrine of humility and poverty and deeply distrusted the greed of government.  Can be grouped economically or culturally or by Rome and or in contrast with earlier doctrines ( 10 commandments)  An additional document could be a Roman census of tax collection of early Christian villages to see who paid and who protested and what their fate was. DOCUMENT #6 LUKE2:1 NEW TESTAMENT

10  This Eastern Roman Empire document illustrates how Justinian preserved early Roman law and maintains the importance of slavery and other properties extending Roman Laws.  Can be grouped economically or with Rome in the later years after its fall ( the West would become decentralized feudalism whilst the East would remain with its capital in Constantinople)  An additional document could be a legal decision about what happened if a master destroyed his slaves to both compare what it was like during Roman Empire times to that of Byzantium times, DOCUMENT #7 JUSTINIAN’S CODE

11  Legal codes from both the ancient and classical world served to maintain law and order to protect the burgeoning populations, regulated business and property between individuals and the government and enacted cultural and ethical values to regulate the increasing populations and keeping them orderly and maintained. A documents from a woman living amongst these societies would add a very important voice to discuss just how the persistence of patriarchy in every component of society impacted women. THESIS STATEMENT

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