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Making a good start in a new job. You never get a second chance to make a first impression Importance of First Impression.

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Presentation on theme: "Making a good start in a new job. You never get a second chance to make a first impression Importance of First Impression."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making a good start in a new job

2 You never get a second chance to make a first impression Importance of First Impression

3 First impression

4 First Impression  Never under estimate the impact of first impressions.  The first few days are when your boss and colleagues form the most lasting impressions about you.  First impressions about you and your future potential can make a major impact on your future success with the organization.  First impressions about people often turn into long-term perceptions and reputations.  Good for people who make positive first impressions - the halo effect but  Bad for people who make negative first impressions - the horn effect

5 The good news is that  Most employers realize that there is a learning curve for most positions.  There is often an unofficial grace period while you settle into your job.

6 How to make a great first impression when you’re starting a new job?

7 Making a great first impression Have a positive attitude Be punctual Take notesBe a good listener Have a good attendance record Dress professionally Show your team spirit Show genuine appreciation Avoid office politics and gossip Find a mentor Learn colleagues names quickly Be organized Ask questions Ability to work under pressure Keep personal work to the minimum Keep track of your achievements Take the initiative

8 Positive Attitude

9 Have a positive attitude  Nothing works better in all situations than having and expressing a positive attitude.  Let your enthusiasm for being part of the team and the organization show.  Always leave non-work problems at home.

10 Dressing professionally

11 Dress professionally  Never underestimate the importance of dressing professionally in your new job.  In the beginning, even if your department has casual days, you should dress professionally because you never know when you’ll be called out to meet a top manager or key client.  Perfectly groomed means efficient and reliable in work; unkempt means disorganized and therefore difficult to trust with different assignments.  After awhile, people realize these things do not necessarily correspond, but initially, your looks and dress are your representation to them.

12 Team Spirit

13 Show Your Team Spirit  You are now part of a team, and teams work together to solve problems and get the job done.  Show loyalty to your colleagues and focus more initially on sharing any recognition you get with the team.  Always give credit to the team.

14 Remembering names

15 Learn your colleagues names quickly  No one expects you to remember everyone’s name by the end of the first day or week  But if you are bad with names you can use some memory-aid tricks to remember names.  If you are in a situation in which you forget a person’s name, the best solution is to simply apologize and ask the person’s name again.

16 Ask questions

17 Ask questions or for help  No one expects you to solve all the organization’s problems on your first few days on the job.  Nobody expects you to know everything.  So, relax a bit, and always ask questions or ask for help when you need it.  Remember that it’s better to ask before you’ve completed the task the wrong way and wasted all that time.  Communicate openly with colleagues and supervisors.  Keep your ego at home.

18 Make Notes

19 Take Notes  Make notes on all the various systems and rules of the organization.  Attend all orientation/induction sessions.  Nothing is more irritating than a person who repeatedly asks for the way a system works in the organization.

20 Display initiative

21 Take the initiative  In your first days on the job, you will be given small doses of work.  As you finish assignments and are ready to handle a bigger workload, take the initiative and ask for more assignments.  Be proactive and volunteer for assignments

22 Be Punctual

23 Be punctual  Your reputation takes a beating if you routinely come to work late or leave work early.  In the first few days/weeks on the job, be sure you get to work early and do not leave earlier than when the majority of your co-workers leave.  In the beginning, be totally dedicated to being there all the time and picking up as much as you can possibly handle.

24 Good attendance record

25 Have a good attendance record  It is very important to show up to work every day and establish a good attendance record.  Save the leave entitlement for emergencies and sickness.

26 Avoid office politics

27 Avoid office politics and gossip  Disassociate yourself from the office politics and gossip to avoid being branded as ‘political’.  Stay out of the office politics as long as you can.  Inevitably you will get exposed to it and may also participate in the same eventually.

28 Avoid personal work

29 Keep Personal Business on Company Time to a Minimum  Keep your personal work to the minimum and stay focused on your work.  In the initial few weeks especially, keep away from all personal work on company time like  Checking personal email  Chatting on the internet messenger with family/friends  Booking personal air/train tickets on the net  Making personal phone calls – local and international  Chatting with family and friends on the phone for a long time

30 Be a good listener

31  Resist the temptation to come across as a ‘know-it-all’  If you have a legitimate contribution, make it, but if not, do more listening and absorbing in the first few days on the job.

32 Track your achievements

33 Keep track of your achievements  It is up to you to keep track of your achievements.  No one else will do it for you.  Helps you in the following ways:  for personal satisfaction  for annual appraisals and  for future job-hunting

34 Show appreciation

35  Show your genuine appreciation to  everyone who has helped you to learn the job  It can be your boss, colleagues or the HR department.

36 Be organized

37  Use an organizer to keep track of daily activities.  A ‘To Do’ list will help organize and prioritize tasks on a daily basis.

38 Last but not the least……

39 Find a mentor in the organization

40 Find a mentor  A mentor is a person who shares his experience, knowledge and wisdom about the workplace in general.  Typically a relationship between a senior manager and a junior employee.  A person who provides advice, guidance and counselling.  Enlist the support of a senior manager ideally from another department.

41 Thank You

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