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Unit 5 Enjoying novels Name: 罗军 Number:20030614091.

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2 Unit 5 Enjoying novels Name: 罗军 Number:20030614091

3 Warming up


5 1.Look at these literary genres. Which do you enjoy most? Why? FictionNon-fiction poetry novels essays short stories reports recounts descriptions

6 2.Do you like classic or modern literature? 3.Which do you like better, English novels or Chinese novels? What English novels have you read?

7 4.Can you say something of the story you like best? Why do you enjoy reading it?

8 Pre-reading

9 Can you match the titles of these famous novels to the authors? Agnes Grey Gone with the wind Tess of the d’Urbevilles David Copperfield Jane Eyre Pride and Prejudice Wuthering Heights Just So Stories To Kill a Mockingbird Jane Austen Charlotte Bronte Emily Bronte Harper Lee Anne Bronte Thomas Hardy Charles Dickens Margaret Mitchell Rudyard Kipling

10 Charles Dickens British (1812-1870)

11 Charles DickensHis works The Pickwick Papers Oliver Twist The Old Curiosity Shop. David Copperfield Hard Times A Tale of Two Cities Great Expectations Bleak House 《雾都孤儿》《双城记》 《艰难时世》《远大前程》 《荒凉山庄》《皮克威克外传》 《老古玩店》《大卫. 科波菲尔》 One of the greatest novelist in English literature.

12 It was the best of Times. It was the worst of Times.

13 Oliver Twist

14 George Eliot

15 Mary Ann Evans (George Eliot) was born in Chilvers Coton, Warwickshire. Her father was a carpenter who rose to be a land agent. When she was a few months old, the family moved to Griff, a ‘cheerful red-brick, ivory-covered house’, and there Eliot spent 21 years of his life among people that he later depicted in her novels.

16 She was educated at home and in several schools, and developed a strong evangelical piety at Mrs. Wallington’s School at Neneaton. However, later Eliot rejected her dogmatic faith. When her mother died in 1836, she took charge of the family household. In 1841 she moved with her father to Coventry, where she lived with him until his death in 1849.

17 During this time she met Charles Bray, a free-thinking Coventry manufacturer. His wife, Caroline (Cara) was the sister of Charles Hennel, the author of a work entitled An Inquiry Concerning the Origin of Christianity (1838). The reading of this and other rationalistic works influenced deeply Eliot’s thoughts. After her father's death, Eliot travelled around Europe. She settled in London and took up work as subeditor of Westminster Review.

18 The three Bronte sisters

19 Charlotte Bronte

20 Anne Bronte

21 Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights

22 Jane AustenPride and Prejudice

23 Charles Dickens


25 Jane Austen

26 Margaret Mitchell

27 Thomas Hardy

28 “Tess of the D’Urbervilles” Questions: the modern meaning o female problem; women’s liberation. Is there still a Tess around you? There figure Alec, Angel Clare, talker of Tess, are good people. 一百年前的人物在现实社会中的意义,从 Tess 的悲剧看爱 情的宿命和幸福的乌托邦。思考该小说对学生的生活指导意义。 Tess 是悲剧的总和,从 Alec 和 Angel 的来往,对女性的看法沿 袭了古代的做法。

29 Thomas Hardy(1840—1928). Novelist and poet, is one o the representatives of English critical realism at the turn of the 19th century. He was born in Dorset, a southern country of England, which he called Wessex in his books. Hardy wrote prodigiously. His principal works are the Wessex Novel. i.e. the novels describing the characters and environment of his native countryside. They include “Under the Greenwood Tree”. Far from Madding Crowd. The Mayor of Casterbridge. Jude the obscure.

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