Holding slide prior to starting show. A Portlet Interface for Computational Electromagnetics on the Grid Maria Lin and David Walker Cardiff University.

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Presentation on theme: "Holding slide prior to starting show. A Portlet Interface for Computational Electromagnetics on the Grid Maria Lin and David Walker Cardiff University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Holding slide prior to starting show

2 A Portlet Interface for Computational Electromagnetics on the Grid Maria Lin and David Walker Cardiff University

3 Project Collaborators Cardiff University Swansea University BAE Systems HP Singapore Institute of HPC

4 Outline Project Overview and Challenges Design Gecem Portal and Portlets Portal and Security Use Case Future Work Conclusion

5 Project Objective Develop a user-friendly environment for users to integrate mesh generation, large-scale linear system solver, and collaborative visualization within a Web service framework. Problem domain is computational electromagnetics

6 GECEM Prototype Grid Geometry data UWS WeSC Other locations BAE SYSTEMS Create geometry Generate mesh CEM simulation MeshOutput

7 GECEM Production Grid Other locations Geometry data UWS Singapore BAE SYSTEMS Create geometry Generate mesh CEM simulation MeshOutput

8 Challenges Resources are intrinsically distributed –No sharing of software and hardware –Sharing data Requirements –Single logon to multiple machines –A user friendly interface –Secure environment –Support Multi-user

9 Previous Work Use a shell-script to call Global Toolkit 2.0 User account handling is complex Not user-friendly

10 Current Approach Use a portlet approach Use GridSphere Portal framework Use portlet service models provided by GridPortlets Create GECEM portlets to locate input files and services and to submit jobs

11 Portlet Design Programmed in Java User-interface component Handles user requests and generates dynamic content in the form of markup fragments that can be aggregated with other fragments to form a portal page A portlet is a window to provide a specific service Easy to customize for individual users or groups of users

12 Portlets Visible active components users see within their portal pages Java servlet inside a portal A special type of servlets –The Portlet API extends and subclasses the Servlet API

13 GridSphere Provide a portlet container Provide user management, session management, and group management Provide support for role-based access control Provide portlet subscription Provide layout selection Allow third-party portlet

14 Grid Portlets Resource Browser Portlet –Resource Registry Credential Retrieval Portlet –Credential Management uses credential repository to store user credentials Provide File Browser Portlet Easy to use for invoking OGSA Reliable File Transfer (RFT) Service

15 GECEM portlets Select machine for mesh services and solver service Select geometry file from a list of machines Invoke OGSA grid service for job submission

16 GECEM Portal Supports surface mesh generation Supports volume mesh generation Supports CEM solver migration Supports collaborative visualisation and analysis

17 Aspects Accessbility of CEM solver codes –High quality –Significant investments of time and money –Owner may not want to install codes permanently on computers outside of their organisation

18 CEM solver service Support migration of codes to a target machine execute Send output to solution archive Delete codes and data sets

19 Workflow Surface Mesh service Volume Mesh Service CEM Solver Service Geometry data Geometry Archive Surface Mesh Archive Volume mesh archive Solution archive Solution data

20 Portal and Security Based on Globus Security Infrastructure for authentication Provides single sign-on –Use grid credentials –Use proxy certificate –Use MyProxy Credential Repository –Use MyProxy Upload Tool

21 Logon using MyProxy User upload their credential to a MyProxy Server User Logon the Gecem Portal using the MyProxy username and passphrase Login Portlet retrieves the credential from the MyProxy Server and creates a credential mapping for the user GridPortlet stores the credential into a credential repository

22 Design GECEM portal CEM Solver Service Volume Mesh Service Surface Mesh Service Archives MyProxy Server

23 Use Case Mesh Service Geometry Data files Meshes Solver control files Migrate Solver Service BAE Swansea WeSC Solver Output Solver

24 Current Version Use Gridsphere 2.0.2 as the portlet- based portal Use Gridportlets (cvs version)

25 Software Prerequisite Software –Java 2 Standard Edition version 1.4.2 or higher. –Tomcat 4.1.31 –Apache Ant version 1.6.2 –Globus Toolkit (GT3.2.1)

26 Related Work Geodise toolkit P-GRADE GEMLCA

27 Work In Progress Archiving results Use UDDI for service discovery Apply RAVE for visualization

28 Future Work Use workflow model Adapt our framework to WSRF Extend GECEM grid to include all project partners

29 Conclusion Portal provides a high-level user interface for scientists to access distributed resources easily Portal hides away the complexity of using grid User can access the portal anywhere


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