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The Atmosphere. Atmosphere Atmosphere Made up of mostly nitrogen and oxygen Protects us from the Sun “atmo” means air/vapor Also contains dust, volcanic.

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Presentation on theme: "The Atmosphere. Atmosphere Atmosphere Made up of mostly nitrogen and oxygen Protects us from the Sun “atmo” means air/vapor Also contains dust, volcanic."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Atmosphere

2 Atmosphere Atmosphere Made up of mostly nitrogen and oxygen Protects us from the Sun “atmo” means air/vapor Also contains dust, volcanic ash, sea salt, dirt, smoke, and other pollutants

3 Air Pressure Air Pressure Force of all the air pushing down Decreases with altitude (height)

4 Temperature Temperature Composition of the atmosphere effects temperature Temperatures drop, raise, drop, and raise again the higher up you go (each layer acts differently)

5 Troposphere Troposphere most dense and most pressure Closest to Earth’s surface Is where the weather happens Has clouds, water vapor, pollution Gases mix due to varying temp’s “tropo” means turn/change

6 Stratosphere Stratosphere Gases here are layered and do not mix Air is thin with little moisture Ozone layer is here - absorbs the ultraviolet radiation from the sun (making life on earth possible) “strato” means layered

7 Mesosphere Mesosphere “Meso” means middle Coldest layer

8 Uppermost layer High temp’s but feels cold Mostly made of O +, N +, and He + ions Thermosphere Thermosphere

9 Conduction Conduction the transfer of heat through direct contact occurs when hot air molecules contacts Earth’s surface Example: touching hot item

10 Convection Convection transfer of heat in currents of a liquid or a gas hot liquids and gases move up, cool move down Examples: heat rising off hot street, boiling water

11 Radiation Radiation transfer of heat through invisible waves Comes from the Sun or something hot Responsible for the weather cycle Example: face is warmed with sunlight on it

12 1 2 3

13 Greenhouse GreenhouseEffect The warming of Earth because the atmosphere holds heat like a blanket; (carbon dioxide and water vapor hold heat)

14 Global GlobalWarming increase in global temperature due to an increase in greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide)


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