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Enables you to study key vocabulary Create flashcards to preview the learning unit Study the cards regularly to learn the terms Play.

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Presentation on theme: "Enables you to study key vocabulary Create flashcards to preview the learning unit Study the cards regularly to learn the terms Play."— Presentation transcript:


2 Enables you to study key vocabulary Create flashcards to preview the learning unit Study the cards regularly to learn the terms Play a game or take a practice quiz to check your progress

3 In your browser, type:


5 Type your username and password (write it down in a safe location) Use your school e-mail account Agree to the Terms of Service Click “Sign Up”

6 ( Click here to begin!



9 Select a language in both boxes: Enter terms hereEnter definitions here

10 Instead of text, you can add images or data by clicking here. You can add more information by clicking here. Additional Features:

11 After all your information is entered, click here:

12 Use your new flashcards to review the vocabulary! Select “term first” This will show the definition

13 Continue studying! Move to the next card when you are ready Full screen, shuffle, or listen to audio

14 Practice Spelling!Take a practice test!

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