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Unit 1. living well Words study. disability Not speaking French in Paris is a real disability. 在巴黎不讲法语实在是一个缺陷。 able/unable ; enable v. /disable; v. 使失.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1. living well Words study. disability Not speaking French in Paris is a real disability. 在巴黎不讲法语实在是一个缺陷。 able/unable ; enable v. /disable; v. 使失."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1. living well Words study

2 disability Not speaking French in Paris is a real disability. 在巴黎不讲法语实在是一个缺陷。 able/unable ; enable v. /disable; v. 使失 去能力,使残废 ability/ disability One bomb can disable a ship. 一枚炸弹可以毁坏一艘军舰。 disabled a. 残废的, 有缺陷的 a. 失效的 Employers are being encouraged to hire disabled workers. 雇主受鼓励雇用残废的工人

3 represent vt. 代表;代理 ; 声称;描述 Our Party represents the interests of the people 我们党代表着人民的利益。 This painting represents a hunting scene. 这张油画展现了打猎的情景。 representative n. 代表;代理人 adj. 代表性 的;典型的

4 ambition A boy who is filled with ambition usually works hard. 他要做首相的雄心可能会实现 His ambition to become the Prime Minister is likely to be real. 他胸怀大志 He has great ambitions.

5 1) be beneficial to sth./sb. 有益于 e.g. Sunshine is beneficial to plants. 2) benefit n. e.g. That experience was of great benefit to me. Give up smoking for the benefit of your health. 3) benefit vt./vi. e.g. We benefit from daily exercise. The rapid development of science benefits the whole world. beneficial a. 有利的,有益的

6 in other words Keep one’s word 履行诺言 Big words 大话 Break one’s word 食言, 失信 In a word 一句话, 总而言之 Get in a word 插话

7 Your performance in the driving test didn’t reach the required standard- ____, you failed. A. in the end B. after all C. in other words D. at the same time in other words

8 adapt When he moved to Canada, the children_________________ _______ (很能适应变化) These books have( 为小学生改编的 ________________________ _______ adapted to the change very well. been adapted for the primary school pupils.

9 adapt He is quick to ____ himself to new environment. A. adopt B. adore C. adapt D. adept 采纳 收养崇拜 敬爱 熟练的 Adapt oneself to 适应 …

10 词义辨析: adapt, adjust, fit, suit, match adapt: 指修改或改变以适应新条件 adjust: 多指 “ 调整,调节 ” 使之适应 fit: 多指 “ 大小适合 ” ,引申为 “ 吻合 ” suit: 多指 “ 合乎要求、口味、性格、 情况 ” match: 指 “ 大小、色调、形状、性质 ” 等相配或相称

11 1. You can’t see through the telescope until it is ________ to your eyes. 2. The shoes ______ me well. 3. A red jacket doesn’t ______ green trousers. 4. No dish ______ all tastes. 5. You should ______ yourself to the new environment. adjusted fit match suits adapt exercise

12 out of breath hold/ keep one‘s breath ( 因恐惧或激动 ) 屏息, 暂时停止呼吸 屏息以待, 非常紧张地等待着 take breath 歇一歇 ; 喘口气 take/draw a breath 深深地吸一口气

13 absence absent a. In the absence of firm evidence the prisoner was set free. 因缺乏确证, 被告被释放了 Three boys of the class were absent because of illness. 班上三个孩子因病缺席。 present ; presence

14 annoy--annoyed 因为那顿饭做的不好,所以他对妻子很生气 He was annoyed with his wife because the dinner was badly cooked. ( be annoyed with sb. 对某人生气 )

15 all in all after all 毕竟 in all 总共 all the same 仍然 all the time 始终 all over 全部结束,到处 all around 周围 at all 完全,根本;到底 all alone 独自地 above all 首先;首要

16 Sit around feeling … As well as Independent /dependent; independence / independence Be worth it be worth sth. / doing Make fun of / play a joke (jokes) on Encouragement ; courage ; encourage ; discourage ; courageous As rich and full a life as you do

17 certificate A marriage certificate A birth certificate A health certificate A professional certificate

18 certificate Four years later. She received her bachelor’s degree in English and her teaching ______. A. certificate B. assignment C. experience D. license

19 Access--accessible Only a few people have access to the full facts of the case. Access— (接近的)权利, 机会,方法 通道 Recently, there’s a collection of books made accessible to the public. accessible— 可使用的,可接近的

20 bare Although they plant trees in this area every year, the tops of some hills are still _____. A. blank B. hollow C. vacant D. bare

21 Answer each question by using the correct new word or phrases in U.1: 1. What is the action of making something suitable for a new use? 2. How would you feel if someone kept talking when you were trying to read? 3. How would you feel if you got all the answers in the test wrong? adapt annoyed stupid

22 4. If someone gave you some small, colourful fish, where would you put them? 5.What kind of instrument does a doctor need to examine viruses in blood? 6.What do you call the musical instrument you strike with sticks or hands? Answer each question by using the correct new word or phrases in U.1: tank microscope drum

23 7. How would you describe a person who is having trouble breathing after he has exercised? 8. What would you say if you are going to repeat what you have said in a different way? Answer each question by using the correct new word or phrases in U.1: out of breath in other words

24 9. You may say “Don’t _______________ people” to somebody who likes making fools of others. 10. What do you call someone who is always knocking things over or dropping them? make fun of clumsy Answer each question by using the correct new word or phrases in U.1:

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