The Many Colors of… FOOD IN INDIA. History of Food in India The Harappans, who are believed to be the earliest Indians, ate wheat, rice and lentils. TThe.

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Presentation on theme: "The Many Colors of… FOOD IN INDIA. History of Food in India The Harappans, who are believed to be the earliest Indians, ate wheat, rice and lentils. TThe."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Many Colors of… FOOD IN INDIA

2 History of Food in India The Harappans, who are believed to be the earliest Indians, ate wheat, rice and lentils. TThe lentil is a plant from the Legume family (also called the Bean family) The Harappans also occasionally ate cow, pig, sheep, goat and chicken.

3 History of Food in India cont’d During the period the Mauryans lived in India, changes took place in the culture and food. Fewer animals were sacrificed, fewer meat was eaten, and some people even became vegetarians. During the Gupta period, Hindus the religion of majority in India) began to worship a Goddess. Cows were sacred to this Goddess, so Hindus stopped eating beef. In Northern India, most people stopped eating pork as well for religious purposes. The amount of vegetarians in India increased significantly during this time period.

4 Indian Food by Region Northern IndiaSouthern IndiaEastern India Uses a lot of diary products in meals. Naan bread is extremely popular. Very similar to pakistani cuisine. Heavy rice use. More vegetarian friendly. Thickens food with paste substances. Fish and seafood are popular. Bangladeshi cuisine is similar.

5 Indian Food Customs and Traditions In India food is typically served on the floor or in low seats and stools. Most food is eaten with your fingers. Food plays a very large role in holiday traditions. Urban areas of India are beginning to model their habits after the western hemisphere with high tables and chairs and cutlery. Tea is customary in India. Chai tea is very popular. Chai tea is tea mixed with warmed milk & spices. Coffee is sometimes consumed in Southern India.

6 Colorful Choices Indian food is known for using a lot of spices. These spices can come in almost any color and when seen together they create a beautiful array of choices.

7 Indian Food by Color White: Rice Red: Tarka dal Orange: Curry Chicken

8 Indian Food by Color Part 2 Green: Lentils Black: Black Peas Brown: Naan Bread Yellow: Mango

9 Mangoes Mango is the National Fruit of India India is the largest producer of Mangoes in the world Mango mania sweeps through Mumbai every year from March to May There are many different types of Mangoes found in India. Some of the most popular are Alphonso, Ratnagiri, Devgadh, Kesar, Batli, Langdo, Payri & Rajapuri.

10 Indian Cuisine in the Western Hemisphere Indian cuisine is becoming more and more popular in the United States. Indian grocery stores sell all of the spices and pastes one would need to recreate the Indian dining experience. Indian restaurants are even more plentiful in the U.S. Where old world traditions meet modern conveniences of the west.

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