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TRUE COLORS Reasonably E. What follows is a gross oversimplification of the exceedingly complex interplay of the infinite range of highly-individualized.

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Presentation on theme: "TRUE COLORS Reasonably E. What follows is a gross oversimplification of the exceedingly complex interplay of the infinite range of highly-individualized."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRUE COLORS Reasonably E

2 What follows is a gross oversimplification of the exceedingly complex interplay of the infinite range of highly-individualized human interpersonal styles and the boundless behaviors encouraged by, but not promoted with certainty, by the unlimited combinations of perceptions, priorities, experiences, behaviors, genetic variances, and unique differences in how information is processed and organized by each of 6 billion human brains, and the reasonably predictable influence said variances have on the array of interactions possible between and among human individuals resulting in certain controllable cause and effect interactions that when harnessed by individuals in their interactions with and among others of the species might intentionally result in greater efficiency and efficacy of these interactions in achieving desirable and engineered results with limited friction and negative emotional repercussions. That said, the presenter issues this disclaimer: that this gross oversimplification is a neither scientific, defensible in a court of law, or empirically supported in any research or professional literature and that it’s intent is not to pigeon–hole any individual as having one style or another, but rather it is a conceptual model intended simply to provide a conceptual framework that gives a way for you, a supervisor at GT’s CRC, to consider how your individual style and perspective on things may impact – either positively or negatively – your interactions with those you supervise. This interpretation of the True Colors activity is neigther pure nor intended to be so. Overview & Disclaimer In short, this a simple model for understanding human behavior. It works best when you don’t take it too seriously and you have a little fun with it.

3 A Model for Looking at Differences. TeamTasks IdeasAction

4 Strengths Organized Meticulous Punctual Team Player Emotional Cause-oriented Risk-Taker Entrepreneur Impulsive Conceptual Visionary Analytical

5 Values … Responsibility Conformity Duty & Rules Relationships Harmony Unity Freedom Spontaneity Adventure Knowledge Intelligence Logic

6 Tasks: Q1 : List reasons why your “style” is so important to group success? Q2: What drives you nuts about working with each of the other styles? Q3: What help do you need from other styles to be at your best? (1) Answer Questions (2) Share Poster (3) Perform Theme Song

7 Best Contributions as… System keeper Stabilizer Time Manager Loyal member Spokesperson Status Quo Negotiator Crisis Responder Energizer System Designer Idea generator Problem-solver

8 Behavior Predictions during Exercise. ~Organized & Neat ~Serious ~Mostly read their presentation. ~Sm. Writing ~No “Doodles” ~Reserved Process ~Apology during presentation. ~Heart, rainbow, sun or smiley face on page. ~ Barney song (or one like it.) ~Obvious signs of boredom. ~Loud & energetic. ~Distracted ~Writing “every which way”. ~Tangential thinking ~More ideas expressed than written. ~Judgemental. ~Last minute rush to finish.

9 Needs from Others … Clarity Consistency Appreciation People Harmony Affection Freedom Variety Recognition Challenge To understand Autonomy

10 Stress Reactions… Worries Judgemental Authoritarian Passive/Resists Depressed Outbursts Open Disrespect Drops Out Defiance Indecisive Withdraws Sarcasm/Critical

11 Working with Green… Clear & Logical Ask Questions Confirm Meaning Work Quality Ingenuity New Analysis Give Room Allow Creativity No Busy Work Lack of Control Emotionality Routine Communication Praise StressorsReduce Conflict

12 Thriving withGold… Be Authoritative Clear & Precise Facts Thoroughness Connect to Org. Importance Clear requests 1 task at a time Limit changes Incomplete tasks Ambiguity Disorganization Communication Praise StressorsReduce Conflict

13 Getting Along with Blue… Personalized Feelings Okay About life & living Achievements Personal touches Connect to team Expectations Allow idealism People-centered Broken promises Tasks over people Conflict Communication Praise StressorsReduce Conflict

14 Dealing with Orange… Succinct & clever Jokes & stories Change topics Process > Product Note skill Note impact Own pace & style No abstractions Make things fun Stuck at a desk Rules & deadlines Abstractions Communication Praise StressorsReduce Conflict

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