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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Earth, Moon, and Sun Water Cycle Processes That Shape.

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Presentation on theme: "200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Earth, Moon, and Sun Water Cycle Processes That Shape."— Presentation transcript:

1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Earth, Moon, and Sun Water Cycle Processes That Shape The Earth’s Surface Soil Mixed Review

2 How long does it take the Earth to revolve around the sun?

3 365 ¼ days

4 How long does it take the Moon to orbit the Earth?

5 About 29 ½ days

6 The Earth’s tilt on its axis gives us-

7 4 seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall.

8 What causes the ocean tides to rise and fall on Earth?

9 The gravitational pull of the moon.

10 The moon appears to change its shape from Earth because the Moon-

11 Reflects the sun’s light.

12 A puddle of water forms after a thunder storm. Later that day it disappears. What process explains why the puddle disappeared?

13 Evaporation

14 What part of this cycle is the main source of energy for the Earth?

15 The Sun

16 In which part of the diagram is water changing from a liquid to a gas?

17 Part 3

18 What part of this cycle is an example of condensation?

19 The clouds forming.

20 The energy that causes water on the surface of the ocean to turn into water vapor comes from the-

21 Sun

22 How do some plants break large rocks into smaller pieces?

23 The plant roots grow into cracks in rocks, forcing them apart.

24 What happens to a rock when water freezes in the cracks?

25 The rocks will crack and eventually break apart.

26 What is the process called when soil and rock are broken down and carried away by wind and water?

27 Erosion

28 What is the process called when wind, water, ice or living things wear down and break apart rocks?

29 Weathering

30 Where do delta’s form?

31 At the mouth of rivers.

32 A student conducts an experiment. She puts different types of soil in four identical pots. Each pot has a hole in the bottom. She puts the same amount of water in each pot. A different amount of water drains out of each pot. Which would be the best conclusion to draw from this experiment?

33 Different soils have different abilities to absorb water.

34 You did an experiment with four types of soil. Each soil had a different particle size. You filtered the same amount of water through each soil type. Which soil allowed the water to flow through the fastest?

35 Soil C

36 What is the best type of soil for growing plants?

37 Soil that has a mixture of humus, sand, silts and clay.

38 Which type of soil is best for “holding” water?

39 Clay

40 Soil that is poor for growing plants can be improved by-

41 Fertilizer or Humus

42 Often when you look at a very old statue of a person, part of the face is worn away. What is the most likely explanation for this change?

43 Weathering

44 Look at the weather map. How will the weather in Toronto most likely change soon?

45 Toronto will probably become colder.

46 Which state is currently experiencing severe weather?

47 Florida

48 What happens to a rock when it is weathered?

49 The rock is broken into smaller pieces.

50 How long did it probably take the river to form the canyon shown in the picture?

51 Several centuries to millions of years.

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