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Published byWendy Hudson Modified over 9 years ago
KIRTI RANJANDIS, Madison, Wisconsin, April 28, 20051 Top Quark Production Cross- Section at the Tevatron Collider On behalf of DØ & CDF Collaboration KIRTI RANJAN UNIVERSITY OF DELHI, INDIA & FERMILAB
KIRTI RANJANDIS, Madison, Wisconsin, April 28, 20052 OVERVIEW Motivation Tevatron Run II & Detectors Top quark production & decay Results Top pair production Dilepton lepton + Jet All Jets Single top production Summary NEW
KIRTI RANJANDIS, Madison, Wisconsin, April 28, 20053 Discovered by DØ & CDF in 1995 Studied with limited Run I statistics! Role in the Standard Model (SM) m top ~ 175 GeV : Heaviest elementary particle Top quark mass ~ EWSB scale Short lifetime (~ 10 -24 s) – properties of bare quark Accurate measurement of top mass constrains Higgs mass Sensitive to physics beyond the SM Look for non-SM production or decay modes Possible background for New Physics searches MOTIVATION It’s FUN studying TOP ! TEVATRON is THE only TOP FACTORY till LHC starts operating
KIRTI RANJANDIS, Madison, Wisconsin, April 28, 20054 TEVATRON RUN II Tevatron is performing extremely well ! Both experiments have accumulated ~ 680 pb -1 of Data Results presented here ~ 150 – 350 pb -1 L PEAK > 1*10 32 cm -2 s -1 Design Base Present status
KIRTI RANJANDIS, Madison, Wisconsin, April 28, 20055 EM Hadronic CDF Muon system Tracker DETECTORS Coarse Hadronic (Tail catcher) Fine Hadronic EM DØ Muon system Magnetized iron Tracker New Silicon Detector New Central Drift Chamber New End Plug Calorimetry Extended muon coverage Faster DAQ New Silicon Detector and Central Fiber Tracker in a 2T solenoid Substantially upgraded muon system Faster DAQ
KIRTI RANJANDIS, Madison, Wisconsin, April 28, 20056 TOP QUARK PAIR PRODUCTION & DECAY Strong Production At Tevatron energies ( = 1.96 TeV) : primarily produced in pairs SM Prediction (at m top = 175 GeV) Dominant Uncertainties: PDF( 7%) & Scales ( 5%) Role reversed at LHC! RUN I ( = 1.8 TeV) Results CDF: DØ : ( Cacciari et. al,. JHEP 0404:068,2004 ) x-section ~ 30% higher than Run I ( = 1.80 TeV → 1.96 TeV) Gluon Fusion Annihilation In SM, BR (t → W b) ~ 100% Final states are determined by W decay modes
KIRTI RANJANDIS, Madison, Wisconsin, April 28, 20057 FINAL STAES 20% 14.6% 1.2%2.4% 46% 1.2% Requires good identification of e, , jets, & Missing E T LEPTON+JETS [ e, + 4 jets (2 b jets) ] Large BR ~ 30% Moderate background ALL HADRONIC [ 6 jets (2 b jets) ] Largest BR ~ 46% Largest background DILEPTON [ ee, , e ,+ 2 b jets ] Small BR ~ 5% Smallest background Golden Mode
KIRTI RANJANDIS, Madison, Wisconsin, April 28, 20058 DILEPTON Signal Selection : Two high P T Leptons Two high P T Jets Large One lepton & One oppositely charged track Final cut Two Oppositely charged leptons Final cut Background dominated Background : Physics (from MC) : Z / * → , Dibosons Instrumental (from Data): fake, fake Leptons CDF: 200 pb -1 DØ : 150 pb -1 ( PRL 93, 142001, 2004) DØ Run II preliminary (150pb -1 ) Two Oppositely charged leptons
KIRTI RANJANDIS, Madison, Wisconsin, April 28, 20059 DILEPTON CDF : Loose cuts to increase no. of signal events Fit N JET vs. distributions for physics backgrounds CDF Preliminary 200 pb -1 CDF: 200 pb -1
KIRTI RANJANDIS, Madison, Wisconsin, April 28, 200510 Signal selection One high P T Lepton Multiple high P T Jets Large LEPTON + JETS (TOPOLOGICAL) Strategy : Extract signal from kinematic / topological characteristics of the events & use Neural Net (CDF) / construct Likelihood discriminant (DØ) Backgrounds Physics : W+Jets Instrumental: QCD Multijet DØ : 230 pb -1 : CDF: 347 pb -1 : (hep-ex / 0504043) DØ RunII Preliminary 230 pb -1 ≥ 4jets NEW 38% 44% 18% 167 events
KIRTI RANJANDIS, Madison, Wisconsin, April 28, 200511 B Mesons are Massive & long-lived (Lifetime Tagging) Displaced track vertices : SVT (DØ) SVX (CDF) Semi-leptonic decay of B-Mesons (Soft Lepton Tag or SLT) Identify low-p T e / inside jet b-jets provide extra handle to identify Top quark ‘b’ JET IDENTIFICATION ~ 60 % ← event tagging efficiency → ~ 15 % ~ 0.5 % ← Light-flavor jet mistag rate → ~ 4 %
KIRTI RANJANDIS, Madison, Wisconsin, April 28, 200512 DØ : 230 pb -1 : SVT : LEPTON + JETS (b-TAGGING) DØ : SVT Analysis NEW = 1 Tag ≥ 2 Tags = 1 Tag 4th Jet bin ≥ 2 Tags 4th Jet bin
KIRTI RANJANDIS, Madison, Wisconsin, April 28, 200513 CDF : Soft Tag & SVX Tagging Soft Tag CDF : 194 pb -1 : Soft Tag : LEPTON + JETS (b-TAGGING) CDF : 318 pb -1 : Single Tag : CDF : 318 pb -1 : Double Tag : NEW ≥ 1 Tag ≥ 2 Tags NEW
KIRTI RANJANDIS, Madison, Wisconsin, April 28, 200514 ALL HADRONIC Increase signal significance using both topological Cuts & b-tagging small S/B ~ 0.2 - 0.3 CDF: 165 pb -1 : DØ : 160 pb -1 : 6 ≤ N JET ≤8 Signal selection Multiple ( ≥ 6 ) high P T Jets Backgrounds Huge QCD multijet background
KIRTI RANJANDIS, Madison, Wisconsin, April 28, 200515 X-SECTION SUMMARY
KIRTI RANJANDIS, Madison, Wisconsin, April 28, 200516 Electroweak Production Not yet observed ! Main production mechanisms ~ 40% of the x-section Direct measurement of |V tb | Sensitive to physics beyond the SM SINGLE TOP QUARK PRODUCTION SM Prediction : s ~ 0.88 pb, t ~ 1.98pb (Harris et al., PRD 66, 054024, 2002) RUN I RESULTS (~100pb -1 ) CDF: s < 18 pb, t < 13pb, st < 14pb DØ : s < 17 pb, t < 22pb Signal Signature Same as Lepton + Jets ( ≥ 1 b jet) but with lower jet multiplicity (using Leptonic decay of W) Background , W+jets, QCD multijets Analysis Strategy Maximize acceptance Sophisticated methods to separate signal from background
KIRTI RANJANDIS, Madison, Wisconsin, April 28, 200517 SINGLE TOP QUARK PRODUCTION 162 pb -1 @ 95% CL Combined : W+2jets ( ≥1 b jet); 140 ≤ M l b ≤ 210 GeV Channel specific : exactly 1 b-jet (t-channel) or 2 b-jets (s-channel) ( PRD 71, 012005, 2005 )
KIRTI RANJANDIS, Madison, Wisconsin, April 28, 200518 SINGLE TOP QUARK PRODUCTION Separate signal from background 2 ≤ N JET ≤ 4; ≥ 1 b-jet; ≥ 1 non-b jet in t-channel Cut based → Event Counting Decision Tree Neural Network binned likelihood calculation NEW 230 pb -1 @ 95% CL Cut based Decision Tree Neural Network NEW WORLD’S BEST LIMIT : improvement by a factor of ~2 NEW
KIRTI RANJANDIS, Madison, Wisconsin, April 28, 200519 Tevatron is performing remarkably well Top quark pair production Measurements in different channels providing consistent results with the SM b-tagging has provided a powerful handle to identify top quark With more data, x-section measurement is getting dominated by systematic uncertainties Working very hard towards reducing systematics Single Top quark production New world’s best limit on x-sections Observation expected with ~ 1 – 2 fb -1 of Data Analyses refinement continues Analysis with more data is on the way OUTLOOK Top Quark: A Journey from Discovery → Precision has begun! SM
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