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Thyroid Gland Mykayla Giles Gavin Page Location.

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2 Thyroid Gland Mykayla Giles Gavin Page

3 Location

4  Releases T3 and T4 which stimulate protein production and increase the use of oxygen and produce and regulate adrenaline, ephinephrine, and dopamine ◦ Important because it helps facilitate muscle growth and repair and prevent muscle fatigue ◦ Without the gland the body would not be able to break down proteins or process carbohydrates and vitamins  Also releases calcitonin which works with the parathyroid to regulate calcium levels in the body ◦ Important for bone health What Hormones?

5  The Thyroid Gland has a negative feedback system that is attached to the Hypothalamus and the Anterior Pituitary Gland.  The Anterior Pituitary Gland releases TSH to regulate T3 and T4 along with TRH which is released by the Hypothalamus  Calcitonin is regulated by PTH which is released by the Parathyroid Gland Feedback Mechanisms and Antagonistic Hormones

6  Hyperthyroidism is when your thyroid gland makes more thyroid hormones than your body needs.  Hypothyroidism is when your thyroid gland does not make enough thyroid hormone.  Thyroiditis is the swelling of the thyroid.  Thyroid nodules is the formation of lumps in the thyroid gland. Diseases of the Thyroid

7  Hyperthyroidism can be treated with surgery, beta blockers, radioactive iodine, and anti- thyroid medications.  Hypothyroidism can be treated by taking synthetic T4. 6 Cures for Thyroid Gland Diseases

8  ndocrinology-health-guide/thyroid-gland ndocrinology-health-guide/thyroid-gland   maps/thyroid-gland maps/thyroid-gland Works Cited Page

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