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 In the rural areas of Kentucky, agriculture is the science or practice of farming. Since Gallatin county has fertile soil, there are many fields crop.

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Presentation on theme: " In the rural areas of Kentucky, agriculture is the science or practice of farming. Since Gallatin county has fertile soil, there are many fields crop."— Presentation transcript:


2  In the rural areas of Kentucky, agriculture is the science or practice of farming. Since Gallatin county has fertile soil, there are many fields crop grew yearly across the county. Farming is very important even if you don’t grow the crops yourself. Everyday we eat or use something that has been produced on a farm. In fact, many varieties of crops can be grown in our area in Kentucky; like corn, soybeans, tobacco and other vegetables. Farming is also very hard work. Farmers need to know the correct measurement of their fields so they can be sure they have enough, seeds, fertilize, and other chemicals. Farmers also must be able to measure the amount of crops they will produce to know how much income they will make. The slides of the following fields are located in Gallatin county, Kentucky where my family farms.

3  Making this map was easy, if you follow these easy steps. First, you have to find big field around the around the area you live in. we used google maps. Once we found the maps we used Microsoft screenshot to get the perfect picture we needed. Then we used Microsoft illustration tools to but dots in the corners of each map. Then we found the estimate of how many acres each field was using, the key on the bottom of the screen. then we used, aspx to turn our estimate into an actual answer. aspx

4 Even though this field looks big it isn't even an acre. Its is approximately 0.3443526165 Acre.

5 Field number 2 is about 2 acres. Field number 1 is

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