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POWERPOINT 24 The Great Depression, 1927 - 1933.

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1 POWERPOINT 24 The Great Depression,

2 The Election of 1928 Herbert Hoover campaigns as self-made man
The Great Engineer Alfred Smith loses, mostly because of his Catholicism and anti-Prohibition stance Hoover wins landslide victory, in part due to prosperity of country Stock Market rose 109 points in one year

3 ©2004 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc
©2004 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license. Election of 1928

4 The Stock Market Crash of 1929
Crash of October 1929 Negative economic factors Land prices collapsed Corporations too dependent on stocks to raise cash Crash had additional causes Risky ventures for quick profits “margin” trading lack of government control Black Thursday More Americans had been investing, often with little knowledge 16 million shares changed hands Gross national product went from 88 to 76 billion

5 The Great Depression Factors of the depression
Vastly unequal distribution of wealth Poor agriculture European loans Congress made unsuccessful attempts to deal with crisis Smoot-Hawley Tariff Depression closes thousands of businesses and left millions unemployed

6 Hoover’s Programs to Fight the Depression
Hoover made wide use of presidential power National Credit Corporation President’s Organization of Unemployment Relief Unemployed face discrimination Farmers’ situation became desperate Agricultural Marketing Act Homelessness and dissatisfaction with government increased Hoovervilles Movies and music offer small amount of comfort

7 Mexican Population in the United States, 1930

8 A Darkening World Hoover came to White House with definite policy
Good Neighbor Policy London Treaty of 1930 League of Nations unable to do anything when Japan invaded Manchuria Hitler and Mussolini begin menacing in Europe National Socialists

9 Japanese Invasion of Manchuria
©2004 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license. Japanese Invasion of Manchuria

10 A Political Opportunity for the Democrats
Democrats capitalized on economic depression Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) Polio left legs paralyzed Married to TR’s niece Eleanor FDR pledges “New Deal” for Americans Revenue Act of 1932 Bonus Army damages Hoover’s re-election Scottsboro boys FDR defeats Hoover Depression worsens during interim period

11 ©2004 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc
©2004 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license. Election of 1932 Web

12 Discussion Questions What were the causes of the Great Depression?
What programs did Herbert Hoover implement to deal with the depression? What was the role of economic hardship in the rise of authoritarian powers such as Germany and Japan? What was FDR’s approach to dealing with the Great Depression? What did he do in his early administration to instill Americans with hope?

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