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Latin Root Jeopardy AUDITRIFIC/FAC TERRA AQUA Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Latin Root Jeopardy AUDITRIFIC/FAC TERRA AQUA Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Latin Root Jeopardy AUDITRIFIC/FAC TERRA AQUA Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from AUDI The meaning of AUDI

4 $100 Answer from AUDI What is hear or listen?

5 $200 Question from AUDI The people that are watching a show or a movie

6 $200 Answer from AUDI What is an AUDIENCE?

7 $300 Question from AUDI When you “try-out” for a part in a play, movie, TV show or commercial

8 $300 Answer from AUDI What is AN AUDITION?

9 $400 Question from AUDI A place in a middle or high school where there is a stage and lots of seats. Students gather here to watch things or listen to a speaker.

10 $400 Answer from AUDI What is AN AUDITORIUM?

11 $500 Question from AUDI This means something is too low or too quiet to be heard.

12 $500 Answer from AUDI What is INAUDIBLE?

13 $100 Question from TRI The meaning of the root TRI.

14 $100 Answer from TRI What is THREE?

15 $200 Question from TRI Something that a young child rides that has three wheels

16 $200 Answer from TRI What is a TRICYCLE?

17 $300 Question from TRI When three babies are born at the same time.

18 $300 Answer from TRI What are TRIPLETS?

19 $400 Question from TRI Three movies or books in a series

20 $400 Answer from TRI What is a TRILOGY?

21 $500 Question from TRI A spear with three tips at the end

22 $500 Answer from TRI What is a TRIDENT?

23 $100 Question from FIC/FAC The meaning of FIC/FAC

24 $100 Answer from FIC/FAC What is do or make?

25 $200 Question from FIC/FAC A story that is made up is this genre.

26 $200 Answer from FIC/FAC What is fiction?

27 $300 Question from FIC/FAC A place that has lots of machines and workers where products are made or parts that are used in products are made.

28 $300 Answer from FIC/FAC What is a factory?

29 $400 Question from FIC/FAC Fill in the blank: Goldilocks is a _____ character

30 $400 Answer from FIC/FAC What is fictional or fictitious

31 $500 Question from FIC/FAC When something is made in a factory in China, we say it is _______ in China.

32 $500 Answer from FIC/FAC What is manufactured?

33 $100 Question from TERRA The meaning of TERRA.

34 $100 Answer from TERRA What is Earth?

35 $200 Question from TERRA The land that an animal has claimed as belonging to them or their group is considered their what?

36 $200 Answer from TERRA What is TERRITORY?

37 $300 Question from TERRA The physical features of the land or the ground

38 $300 Answer from TERRA What is the TERRAIN?

39 $400 Question from TERRA When an animal is very protective of their home and it’s surroundings

40 $400 Answer from TERRA What is TERRITORIAL?

41 $500 Question from TERRA Like an aquarium except instead of water it holds dirt, plants, bugs, insects, and reptiles

42 $500 Answer from TERRA What is a TERRARIUM?

43 $100 Question from AQUA The meaning of the root AQUA.

44 $100 Answer from AQUA What is water?

45 $200 Question from AQUA A tank that holds water, sea animals, and plants. Also a place people visit to see animals that live in water

46 $200 Answer from AQUA What is an AQUARIUM?

47 $300 Question from AQUA A light blue-turquoise color

48 $300 Answer from AQUA What is AQUAMARINE?

49 $400 Question from AQUA Adjective that means “relating to water”

50 $400 Answer from AQUA What AQUATIC?

51 $500 Question from AQUA The raising of freshwater and salt water organisms for food and pets

52 $500 Answer from AQUA What is AQUACULTURE?

53 Final Jeopardy Category: AUDI The study of hearing, balance, and hearing-related disorders

54 Final Jeopardy Answer What is audiology?

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