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By Kaela 2013. Meet Our Class Click to view our class video.

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Presentation on theme: "By Kaela 2013. Meet Our Class Click to view our class video."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Kaela 2013

2 Meet Our Class Click to view our class video.


4 Friendsies! It’s embarrassing


6 At Work We did biography projects this year. This is me as Annie Oakley.

7 We are the ultimate recycling nuts!

8 Celebrating International Dot Day!

9 This is me before the holiday program. I think I forgot to brush my hair that day so pardon me for that.

10 I am Kaela. I love dogs and just about any other animal in the world. I love sushi, ice cream, and any other dessert.

11 My Self-Portrait MOI !

12 39 Clues Charlie and the Chocolate Factory




16 Gump Day

17 Charlotte’s Web In Charlotte’s Web I was Fern. The girl wearing the pink dress is Mrs. Zuckerman. The man in the plaid shirt is Mr. Zuckerman. The pig is Wilber. I look so BOSS!

18 State Floats


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