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Photos Belize Experience

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1 Photos Belize Experience

2 Lynn Seman Joshua Nielsen Cari Quillen

3 Belize Research Trip TREC:

4 Belize and Amberguis Caye


6 Background Background: Coral reef ecosystems are at risk world-wide from a variety of anthropogenic and natural factors. Many countries have established marine protected areas where human activities such as fishing, tourisms, and harvesting of marine resources are limited. The effectiveness of marine protected areas varies widely, depending on the level of enforcement and protection. The goal of this research project is to investigate the influence of the Hol Chan Marine Reserve on the fish community.

7 Our Task for the Project Learn the fish of the coral reef Learn to snorkel Collect data on fish numbers

8 The Grunts – (counted by Ms. Quillen and Mrs. Seman)

9 Question Does the Hol Chan Marine Reserve have an effect on the numbers of fish found inside the reserve compared to outside the reserve? Turtle Rock Island

10 Our Hypothesis H A : There will be greater numbers of grunts in Hol Chan Marine Reserve as compared to outside the Marine Reserve. (Accepted Hypothesis) H O : There will be equal numbers of grunts in Hol Chan Marine Reserve as compared to outside the Marine Reserve. (Null Hypothesis)

11 Plan Swim a normal route Swim the same way each time Record data for 15 minutes Haphazard sampling 2 samples per area Each person counts a different fish Compare similar areas Classroom at TREC

12 Predictions If H A is true, then we will see a significant difference in the amount of grunts counted inside the Marine Reserve and outside the Marine Reserve. If H O is true, then we will see no significant difference in the amount of grunts counted inside the Marine Reserve and outside the Marine Reserve.

13 Collecting Data

14 Channel Data Tuffy Channel Pescador Channel 1 Pescador Channel 2 Tres Cocos Channel Hol Chan Channel 1 Hao Chan Channel 2 Hol Chan Channel 3 French Grunts 2004589278526 Blue Stripe Grunts 198023147273654209 Average Outside ReserveAverage Inside Reserve French Grunts 6646 Blue Stripe Grunts 94379

15 Our Graph

16 Analyze the Data Categorical and Quantifiable 2 means T test HypothesisOne Tailed Predict Direction Two Tailed No Direction Difference Data collection PairedRelatedUn PairedUnrealted

17 T test t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means Variable 1Variable 2 Mean80212.5 Variance39255444.5 Observations22 Pearson Correlation1 Hypothesized Mean Difference0 df1 t Stat-0.86885 P(T<=t) one-tail0.272301 t Critical one-tail6.313752 P(T<=t) two-tail0.544602 t Critical two-tail12.7062

18 Conclusion We reject H A and accept H O there is no significant difference in numbers of grunts inside and outside the Marine Reserve. Our p value is 0.272301 To accept H A, p value must be < 0.05


20 Guide to Statistical Tests

21 The Coral Reef

22 Websites (Ms. Quillen) (Mrs. Seman) (Mr.Nielsen)

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