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Mid Chapter Review If you have not done so already, complete page 58 in your math book. If you have already completed this, work on Independent Practice.

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Presentation on theme: "Mid Chapter Review If you have not done so already, complete page 58 in your math book. If you have already completed this, work on Independent Practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mid Chapter Review If you have not done so already, complete page 58 in your math book. If you have already completed this, work on Independent Practice on pages 11, 23, 35, 43, and 51 We will check the answers to the Mid- Chapter Check in 10 minutes.

2 Mid Chapter Review








10 Thursday, Sept 12 Lesson 1.6 Equivalent Ratios

11 Objective: To determine if two ratios are equivalent.

12 Equivalent Ratios

13 There are two different ways to determine if two ratios or rates are equivalent. 1. Compare unit rates.

14 Equivalent Ratios

15 ??



18 ??


20 There are two different ways to determine if two ratios or rates are equivalent. 1. Compare unit rates. 2. Determine if the fractions are equivalent. If you can multiply or divide one fraction to get the other, the ratios are equivalent.

21 Equivalent Ratios There are two different ways to determine if two ratios or rates are equivalent. 1. Compare unit rates. 2. Determine if the fractions are equivalent.

22 Equivalent Ratios There are two different ways to determine if two ratios or rates are equivalent. 1. Compare unit rates. 2. Determine if the fractions are equivalent.

23 Equivalent Ratios

24 ?

25 ?


27 Agenda Notes Homework – Lesson 1-6 Homework Practice Due Friday, Sept 13 Circle either “yes” or “no”. Monday, Sept 16 Chapter Test Help Session 2:15 to 3PM Chapter 1 Test Tuesday, Sept 17

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