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 Delocalised electrons are what makes benzene so stable and allow it to resist addition reactions.  Electron rich benzene rings are prone to attack.

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Presentation on theme: " Delocalised electrons are what makes benzene so stable and allow it to resist addition reactions.  Electron rich benzene rings are prone to attack."— Presentation transcript:


2  Delocalised electrons are what makes benzene so stable and allow it to resist addition reactions.  Electron rich benzene rings are prone to attack from electrophiles  One or more of the 6 hydrogen atoms is replaced by a reacting functional group.


4  E + = electrophile.  The overall equation is:  What do you think happened? + E+E+ + H+H+ E


6  Positive electrophile attacks the delocalised electron ring.  A temporary intermediate is formed where the delocalisation is partially lost and the ring will join to both the original hydrogen and the new electrophile.  The overall charge of the molecule is positive so make sure you add this to your diagram.

7  Y- comes from the system (remember that ions dissociate in solution).  It will be attracted to the H on the benzene ring and cause H to donate its electrons back to the ring.


9  The nitronium ion/nitryl cation is NO 2 +  Firstly need to generate the nitronium ion CONCENTRATED!!! H 2 SO 4 + HNO 3  H 2 NO 3 + + HSO 4 - H 2 NO 3 +  NO 2 + + H 2 O



12  NO 2 group is reduced to NH 2 group.  In industry, iron is used  In lab, tin is used with conc HCl as reductant.  Phenylamine is widely used in dye industry.

13 Adding an acyl C=O group to a benzene ring….

14  Benzene reacts with an acyl chloride  Ethanoyl chloride is the most commonly used acyl chloride  AlCl 3 catalyst  Forms a phenyl ketone and HCl. AlCl 3

15 RCOCl + AlCl 3  RCO + + AlCl 4 -

16  Where E+ = CH 3 CO


18  Do questions 1, 4 and 5 in your books




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