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The COLD War. Leading to Containment Yalta Conference – Feb 1945 Stalin, Churchill, FDR meet to discuss “spheres of influence” Agree that Germany will.

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Presentation on theme: "The COLD War. Leading to Containment Yalta Conference – Feb 1945 Stalin, Churchill, FDR meet to discuss “spheres of influence” Agree that Germany will."— Presentation transcript:

1 The COLD War

2 Leading to Containment Yalta Conference – Feb 1945 Stalin, Churchill, FDR meet to discuss “spheres of influence” Agree that Germany will be broken up so that Soviet Union can have some security in its borders US wants to keep nuclear monopoly

3 Truman Doctrine (based on diplomatic advisor’s George Kennan’s Long Telegram), 1947 Kennan = pragmatic approach to Communism – limited idealism Marshall Plan, 1947 Sec. of State George Marshall Help Europe recover from war through loans and trade agreements Eastern Europe did not participate Containment -- Economic

4 National Security Act, 1947 SEE chart hand-out

5 Containment -- Domestically House Unamerican Activities Committee Martin Dies of TX launches in 1938 to investigate labor activists Joseph McCarthy picks up in 1947 to follow Truman’s EO to investigate govt employees Alger Hiss trial, 1948 GUILTY! 1951 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg 1951 GUILTY! Good Night, and Good Luck – Edward R. Murrow begins to protest McCarthy Witchhunt Largest Congressional hearings and Hollywood blacklists 1950-1954 1954 – McCarthy finally censured by Congress – dies of Alcoholism in 1957…

6 Soviets block east Berlin (Berlin lay wholly in Soviet part of Germany) because they fear US is getting too successful in W. Berlin Almost 1 yr Britain and American pilots dropped 2.5 million tons of fuel to help Berliners Berlin Airlift, 1948

7 North American Treaty Organization, 1949 Atlantic nations promised to help each other when one or more is attacked (12 nations including US, Canada, Britain, Italy, France, Belgium, etc.) First peace time alliance that America had entered

8 Containment -- militaristic NSC-68 A memo from the National Security Council (set up in the 1947 National Security Act) that advocates HUGE military expenditures to ward off the threat of the Soviet Union

9 Korean War, 1950-1953 N and S Korea divided along 38 th Parallel in decisions of US and USSR after WWII 1950 Kim Il Sung (N. Korean Communist) launches attack against S. Korea to reunify the country (Stalin supports but does not instigate) Syngman Rhee (S. Korean nationalist) defends Truman urges UN to to create a “peacekeeping force” Douglas MacArthur appointed head of US forces MacArthur becomes overconfident and stops listening to Truman Writes scathing letter about Truman – Republicans try to use it to hurt Truman…Truman fires MacArthur

10 The Point of Korea? Nothing much came from it – except a commitment to keeping Asia from falling 36,000 American lives --- $54 billion spent N and S Korea remain divided at 38 th Parallel Creates precedent for Vietnam Truman loses support at home… Dwight D. Eisenhower elected in 1952 Brings “new look” to America Upbeat, respected general – promises to build HUGE nuclear arsenal based on “MAD”

11 Vietnam Before Vietnam French colony – occupied by Japanese in WWII Post WWII Ho Chi Minh (Communist) moves into fill vacuum left by Japanese Wanted American support to oust France and have home rule Truman ignores request and supports French troops in region Soviets recognize Minh’s republic in 1950

12 Vietminh have BIG victory at Dienbienphu in 1954 Forced France to split country at 17 th Parallel (Declaration Line of 1954) Geneva Accords say Vietnam will have unifying elections in 1956 US knows Communists will win open elections – uses CIA to rig election of non-Communist Ngo Dinh Diem (1954) Diem denies unification elections of 1956 US takes place of France and occupies Saigon (S. Vietnam capital)

13 Diem becomes horribly unpopular He disallows religious freedom of Buddhists (he’s Catholic) and segregated population into “Strategic Hamlets” Eisenhower sends LOTS of $$$ to S. Vietnam to try and support Diem ($200 million/year) Some troop build-up and Special Forces (16,000 by 1963) 1963 Diem so unpopular, Kennedy tells CIA to support military coup

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