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LocationsHomesJobsFacts 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555.

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Presentation on theme: "LocationsHomesJobsFacts 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555."— Presentation transcript:

1 LocationsHomesJobsFacts 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555

2 What did the Native Americans use to meet their needs?

3 the land and water around their homes

4 Name one way the Native Americans used water to meet their needs.

5 to drink, to cook, to bathe, and to fish

6 Which region of SC did the Catawba tribe live in?

7 Piedmont

8 Where did the Cherokee tribe live in SC?

9 the Up Country mountains

10 The Catawba tribe settled near the SC city that is now _________?

11 Rock Hill

12 Name one way trees were used by Native Americans

13 to build homes, and dugout canoes

14 What type of home is this?

15 wigwam

16 What type of home did the Cherokee use in the summer?

17 longhouses – These were large rectangular buildings.

18 What type of home did the Cherokee use during the winter?

19 round buildings made of clay and grass (wattle and daub)

20 What is a group of leaders that make the rules for a community?

21 a council

22 What was the women’s main job?

23 planting crops such as corn, beans, and squash

24 What was the men’s main job?

25 hunt and fish

26 Name one way the Native Americans used the deer they hunted?

27 for food, clothing (skin), or door during the winter (skin)

28 Which tribe was known for making clay pottery?

29 Catawba

30 What did the Cherokee tribe do with other tribes in the area?

31 trade (food, clothes, baskets)

32 What river did the Catawba tribe settle near?

33 the Catawba River

34 Which tribe was known as the “River People”?

35 Catawba

36 Which tribe was more peaceful?

37 Catawba

38 The Cherokee had a white leader and a red leader. When were these people in charge?

39 The white leader was in charge during times of peace. The red leader was in charge during times of war.

40 Who created the way the Cherokee tribe wrote?

41 Sequoyah

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