NEW MEMBERSHIP Rotary Club of Windward. Rotary Is Organization of business and professional persons Provide humanitarian service Encourage high ethical.

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Presentation on theme: "NEW MEMBERSHIP Rotary Club of Windward. Rotary Is Organization of business and professional persons Provide humanitarian service Encourage high ethical."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEW MEMBERSHIP Rotary Club of Windward

2 Rotary Is Organization of business and professional persons Provide humanitarian service Encourage high ethical standards in all vocations Help build goodwill and peace in the world 1.2 million members; 32,943 clubs; in 200 countries Oldest and largest service organization in the world The Rotary Foundation provides $100 million for International Scholarships Cultural Exchanges Humanitarian Projects Rotary is PolioPlus – worldwide eradication of Polio “Make Dreams Real” 2008-2009 Theme

3 Historical Highlights 1905 – First Rotary Club formed in Chicago by Paul Harris 1910 – First Rotary Convention and first club outside of US in Winnipeg, Canada 1911 – First European clubs formed in Dublin, Belfast, and London 1917 – Endowment Fund established (forerunner of The Rotary Foundation)‏ 1919 - Rotary enters S. America and Asia 1921 - Rotary goes down under in Australia and S. Africa 1933 – The 4-Way Test formulated 1947 – Founder Paul Harris dies, first RI foundation scholarship awarded 1985 – Rotary announces PolioPlus program 1989 – Council on Legislation opens Rotary to women 1997 – Rotary expands to Antarctica 2002 – Rotary expands to Afghanistan

4 The Object of Rotary - Service FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society; THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life; FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service. THE 4-WAY TEST –Is it the TRUTH? –Is it FAIR to all concerned? –Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? –Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

5 Service Club Service – Focuses on strengthening fellowship and ensuring effective functioning of the club. Update the Website Create Club Bulletin Public Relations Community Service – Covers the projects and activities of the club. The goal is to improve your community. NFCC AIDs Awareness CART Habitat for Humanity YMCA Proejcts Drake House Literacy School Partnerships International Service – Encompasses actions taken to expand Rotary’s humanitarian reach around the globe and to promote world understanding and peace. GRSP Polio Plus International Projects Vocational Service –Encourages Rotarians to serve others through their vocations Teacher of the Week/Year Career Day Vocational Speakers New Generations – Works with up and coming potential Rotarians of the future. Interact Youthact Rotakids Celebrity Reader Program Students of the Quarter

6 The Benefits of Joining Service Opportunities International Awareness Friendship Good Citizenship Family Foundations Entertainment Ethical Environment Leadership Development Diversity in Membership Professional Networking

7 The Rotary Foundation The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and alleviation of poverty. In 2006–07 Contributions totaled 133 million and 100 million was spent in support of humanitarian and educational programs. FUNDS – There are 2 types of funds available through the Foundation. 1.Annual Program – Provides grants and awards through Foundation programs. 2.Permanent – endowment from which only the earnings are spent. Ensures long term viability of the foundation.

8 Chartered in 2002 22 Active Members Meet every Monday at 12:00 noon Windward Marriott, 5750 Windward Parkway, Alpharetta, GA 30005 Support many local community projects Habitat for Humanity – funding and volunteers North Fulton Community Charities Drake House YMCA Social and Fellowship Events Holiday party Family of Rotary Events Support International Projects GRSP Polio Plus Rotary Foundation Rotary Club of Windward

9 Your Commitment Attendance – Goal to attend 60% of the club’s weekly meetings. Option to make-up at other local Rotary clubs. Can’t miss four consecutive meetings in a row. Participation – As a new member agree to work with their sponsor/mentor to complete the new member worksheet within the first six months of membership and pick one committee to work on. Recruitment and Retention of members Financial $75 initiation fee $315 quarterly dues which includes $25 for the Paul Harris Foundation and $25 for the Will Watt Foundation.

10 Welcome and Good Luck! “Rotary lets you give something back, in the knowledge that you belong to the largest family of givers.” Deanna Ann Duguid, Indonesia

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