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Warm-Up: August 5 On your desk is a sheet of paper labeled Science Simile, complete the sentence using your past science class experiences.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up: August 5 On your desk is a sheet of paper labeled Science Simile, complete the sentence using your past science class experiences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up: August 5 On your desk is a sheet of paper labeled Science Simile, complete the sentence using your past science class experiences.

2 Warm-Up: August 6 Read: Scientific Method Science Safety Rules Using the yellow highlighter, determine what safety rules were broken.

3 Head your paper using the following format….  Student Name______________________________________________  Teacher’s Name_____________________________________________  Name of class and/or period___________________________________  Date:______________________________________________________  Skip 1 line and then Title_____________________________________ _  The Scientific Method________________________________________ Copy Agenda. Take out a blank sheet of paper. Warm-Up: 08/09

4 Place these 5 steps of the scientific method in the correct order. Hypothesize Ask a Question Conclude Experiment Analyze your Data Warm-Up: 08/09

5 Warm-Up: August 10 th  Copy Agenda - Homework!  On Response Page (in the first box),  1. What is the key word from my blog?  2. Classify the following terms into 2 categories. Rock Pine Tree Rainfall Rose bush Owl Water Ant Temperature Soil Fungus Sunlight Mushroom

6 Warm-Up: August 11 th  Turn in Pollution Solution. (look for your bin)  On Response Page (box #2), identify the biotic and abiotic factors in this picture: Look closely!

7 Warm-Up: August 12 th  Did you copy your Agenda?  Turn in Relationships Assignment.  Take out a blank sheet of paper and number it 1 through 5. Clear all other items off you desk except a pen/pencil.

8 What do you know?  Commensalism  Parasitism  Mutualism  Competition 1. A group of trees trying to absorb sunlight.

9 What do you know?  Commensalism  Parasitism  Mutualism  Competition 2. Barnacles create home sites by attaching themselves to whales. The whales do not benefit and are not harmed.

10 What do you know?  Commensalism  Parasitism  Mutualism  Competition 3. Bacteria living inside of a cows intestines to help break down cellulose.

11 What do you know?  Commensalism  Parasitism  Mutualism  Competition 4. A tick living off the blood of a dog.

12 What do you know?  Commensalism  Parasitism  Mutualism  Competition  5. Oxpeckers feed on ticks found on a rhinocerous. Both species benefit.

13 Warm-Up: August 13 th  Did you copy your Agenda?  Turn in Relationships Assignment.  On Response Page, 1. Write commensalism, mutualism, and parasitism, then draw faces to represent their meaning. 2. Give an example of competition.


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