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Mapping Lab Notes Things to study for the Mapping Lab Test You will use this information to complete an assignment… so take good notes.

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Presentation on theme: "Mapping Lab Notes Things to study for the Mapping Lab Test You will use this information to complete an assignment… so take good notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mapping Lab Notes Things to study for the Mapping Lab Test You will use this information to complete an assignment… so take good notes

2 A lil’ Review Latitude: Imaginary lines that run east to west (Lat is Flat!) The main line of latitude is found at 0° and is called the Equator. Longitude: Imaginary lines that run from the north pole to the south pole. The main line of Longitude is found at 0° and is called the Prime Meridian

3 Climate Map In Europe and Russia The most common climate above 70°N latitude Tundra

4 Prime Meridian The Prime Meridian (0° Longitude) runs through London, England. Europe or Asia Europe and Asia are two separate continents on the same land mass. These two continents are divided at 60°East Longitude by the Ural Mountains

5 Population Density The European countries with the lowest population are – Iceland, Sweden, Finland, & Norway Why is there such a low population Density? Consider the weather? IT IS COLD!

6 Vegetation The most common vegetation in the Mediterranean region is Chaparral

7 Prime Meridian The most common climate in Europe is Marine West Coast.

8 Vegetation The most common type of vegetation in Western Europe is Deciduous Forest

9 Economic Activity of Europe The most common type of economic activity in the UK, France and Germany is Trade & Manufacturing Look for the color red

10 Physical Features of Europe Danube River runs through Hungary, Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria and runs into the Black Sea.

11 Physical Features Affect Economic Activity The Ural Mountains, located at 60° East are a rich source of minerals. Look at the next two slides

12 Physical Features of Russia Ural Mountains are at 60° East

13 Economic Activity of Russia The area of the Ural Mountains has precious metals (gold, silver, copper), petroleum, Uranium, coal, natural gas, and iron.

14 Climate Affects Economic Activity Look at the climate of Eastern Russia

15 Climate Affects Economic Activity Look at the resources available in Siberia

16 Climate Affects Economic Activity The region of Russia that is rich in minerals but difficult to access because of climate is called Siberia Siberia

17 Physical Features of Europe The tallest mountains in Europe are found in Austria, Italy, and Switzerland. The are called the Alps

18 European Countries are like Minnesota He Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, and Poland are similar to Minnesota in that they have: A continental Climate like Minnesota Flat plains like MN Mixed forests like MN.

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