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COMP3019 Coursework Help Steve Crouch School of Electronics and Computer Science.

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Presentation on theme: "COMP3019 Coursework Help Steve Crouch School of Electronics and Computer Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMP3019 Coursework Help Steve Crouch, stc@ecs School of Electronics and Computer Science

2 Need Help?  Coursework resources: – – Some help pointers on page  Email:  Due handin date: 27 th March 2014 at 4pm

3 General  Look out when using VPNs… – Often a problem when GridSAM connects to a local FTP server (e.g. GridSAM FTP server)  If having connecting problems, check & add temporary firewall exception rules for GridSAM/FTP ports 3

4 Part 1 – M-grid  Coursework page mentions we can load text file into applet by packaging it within jar – should we: – Pass single character in as parameter? Or – Pass both character and text file as parameters?  The second one…  Applet should have two arguments – can pass in character and text file name, or contents of text file – first is neater! 4

5 Part II – GridSAM and MapReduce  Running the remotecat-staging.jsdl example / 2(a) Could not connect to FTP server on " ". – Change elements to reflect where your own ftp instance is located – e.g. ftp://anonymous:anonymous@localh ost:55521/ ftp://anonymous:anonymous@localh ost:55521/

6 Part II – GridSAM and MapReduce  Running the remotecat-staging.jsdl example / 2(a) – Copying and pasting from example in slides won’t work, e.g.  …the./ command to run example  …or just copying the GridSAM URL – Problem is the quotes around “https://localhost:8080/gridsam/services/g ridsam?wsdl” “https://localhost:8080/gridsam/services/g ridsam?wsdl – Type in manually!

7 Part II – GridSAM and MapReduce  2(a) $./GridSAMExampleCompile Compiling the GridSAM client example... javac: file not found:  Ensure you’ve unpacked the contents of COMP3019- materials.tgz into the omii- 2.3.0-client directory… and not into a subdirectory of that directory – e.g. download COMP3019- materials.tgz – $ cd gridsam-2.3.0-client $ tar -xzf COMP3019- materials.tgz Should have the following in the gridsam-2.3.0- client directory after unpacking it: COMP3019-materials.tgz GridSAMClient.class GridSAMExample.class GridSAMExampleCompile GridSAMExampleCompile.bat GridSAMExampleRun GridSAMExampleRun.bat LICENCE.txt MyProxyClient.class SetupGridSAM.class conf demos endorsed examples lib

8 Part II – GridSAM and MapReduce  2(a) Running under Eclipse IDE (probably more hassle, up to you): – Exception in thread "main" org.icenigrid.gridsam.core.SubmissionExce ption: failed to submit job: WSDoAllReceiver: Request does not contain required Security header – Need to include the gridsam-2.3.0- client/conf directory on classpath – Look at the GridSAMExampleRun script

9 Part II – GridSAM and MapReduce  2(a) Exception in thread "main" org.icenigrid.gridsam.core.SubmissionExce ption: failed to submit job: For input string: "port“ – Need to modify the GridSAMExampleRun script to point to the GridSAM service and your client FTP server – Essentially change the ftp.server and gridsam.server properties

10 Part II – GridSAM and MapReduce  2(a) With GridSAM FTP server: – Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Systems Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Systems at$ 2) at Method) at 190) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( Could not find the main class: Systems. Program will exit. – Install GridSAM to location without spaces in path & filename to avoid this

11 Part II – GridSAM and MapReduce  2(a) With file staging, make sure you use username/password in ftp sources and targets e.g. ftp://anonymous:anonymous@localhost:55521/ Otherwise you may see (after launching job):  mymachine:~/gridsam$./ GridSAMStatus -sn me -j urn:gridsam:ff8081812fd3c742012fd3cb098f0001 Job Progress 'urn:gridsam:ff8081812fd3c742012fd3cb098f0001': pending -> staging-in -> failed --- pending - 2011-05-09 09:06:29.547 --- job is being scheduled --- staging-in - 2011-05-09 09:06:30.603 --- staging files with private working directory... --- failed - 2011-05-09 09:08:31.092 --- FileJob failed after retry : 11 times : ftp://localhost:55521/ 11

12 Part II – GridSAM and MapReduce  2(b) Pseudocode section doesn't mention a function for getting the job ID of a particular job – You are free to make assumptions on how the primitives work 12

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