C 3 Photosynthesis Chapter 10. What you need to know! How photosystems convert solar energy to chemical energy. How linear electron flow in the light.

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Presentation on theme: "C 3 Photosynthesis Chapter 10. What you need to know! How photosystems convert solar energy to chemical energy. How linear electron flow in the light."— Presentation transcript:

1 C 3 Photosynthesis Chapter 10

2 What you need to know! How photosystems convert solar energy to chemical energy. How linear electron flow in the light reactions results in the formation of ATP, NADPH, and O 2. How chemiosmosis generates ATP in the light reactions. How the Calvin cycle uses the energy molecules of the light reactions to produce G3P

3 Photosynthesis Radiation energy is transformed into chemical bond energy in two distinct stages: 1.Light reactions Occur in the thylakoid membrane Water donates electrons to NADP+ to make NADPH Water is split, O 2 is released Photophosphorylation turns ADP into ATP 2.Calvin cycle Occurs in the stroma CO 2 transformed into sugar Net Rx: 6 CO 2 + 6 H 2 O + Light  C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2

4 Big Picture

5 Light Reactions Location: thylakoid membrane Needs: Light, H 2 O, NADP+, ADP, P Makes: NADPH, O 2, ATP Includes: Linear (non-cyclical), cyclical, & chemiosmosis

6 Linear (Non-cyclical) Light Rxs Photosystem II (P680) pigments absorb light (photons) A photon excites chlorophyll which kicks an electron e- out of the reaction center The excited e- is captured by the Electron Transport Chain (ETC) between P680 and Photosystem I (P700) The missing e- is replaced by splitting water (photolysis of water): H 2 O  O + 2e- + 2H+

7 Linear Light Rxs The excited e- moves down the ETC The e-’s energy (excited) is used to pump H+ into the thylakoid space (creating a concentration gradient) e- is deposited into P700 P700 pigments absorb light (photons) A photon excites chlorophyll which kicks an electron e- out of the reaction center The e- is captured by another shorter ETC At the end of the 2 nd ETC the e- binds to NADP+ 2 e- and NADP+ are combined with H+ to form NADPH

8 Linear Light Reactions

9 Cyclical Light Reactions Some e-’s, when kicked out of P700 do not go down the 2 nd shorter ETC Instead they fall back on the first ETC between P680 and P700 This produces less NADPH and more H+ gradient

10 Cyclical Light Reactions

11 Chemiosmosis This process makes ATP by using the H+ concentration gradient H+ concentration gradient across the thylakoid membrane means: H+ inside the thylakoid is high, while H+ in the stroma is low –On a sunny day it is 1000x’s more acidic in the thylakoid space (pH 5 in thylakoid, pH 8 in stroma) ATP Synthase in the membrane functions like a turbine: when H+s rush through ATP Synthase (down the electrochemical gradient) ATP Synthase turns and uses kinetic energy to phosphorylize ADP ADP + P  ATP aka: Photophophorylation


13 Calvin Cycle aka: light independent reactions Location: stroma Needs: CO 2, ATP, NADPH Makes: G3P, ADP, P, NADP+

14 Calvin Cycle Multiple enzyme pathways that uses ATP and NADPH to reduce CO 2 into C 6 H 12 O 6 (glucose) One turn of the cycle reduces one CO 2 3 distinct steps: 1.Carbon fixation 2.Reduction 3.Regeneration

15 Carbon Fixation First enzyme of the cycle is Rubisco (Ribulose Bisphosphate Carboxylase) which binds 3 CO 2 to an acceptor molecule RuBP Rubisco is the most famous and abundant enzyme on earth: no other organic molecule can chemically binding CO 2

16 Reduction Several enzymes later the 3 CO 2 have been reduced to a C3 sugar called G3P (glyceraldehyde phosphate) –powered by 6 ATP and 6 NADPH G3P leaves the cycle –2 G3P can combine to form glucose

17 Regeneration RuBP needs to be regenerated –powered by 3 ATP

18 3. Regeneration 1. Carbon Fixation 2. Reduction

19 Water Balance If water is running low, plants will close their stomata to avoid transpiration When stomata are closed CO 2 is not replenished ADP and NADP+ are not replenished by the Calvin Cycle Light Reactions run out of ADP and NADP+ Energized e-’s fall back to the reaction center of chlorophyll –This can emit light (plant fluorescence)

20 Review Biology Crash Course http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEPUfJ n0s-Mhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEPUfJ n0s-M Mr. Anderson (Bozeman) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g78utcL QrJ4http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g78utcL QrJ4

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