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Presentation Skills and Sales Enablis. About 5 Pebbles About 5 Pebbles Vision We build profitable connections for entrepreneurs across Africa.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation Skills and Sales Enablis. About 5 Pebbles About 5 Pebbles Vision We build profitable connections for entrepreneurs across Africa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation Skills and Sales Pitch @ Enablis

2 About 5 Pebbles About 5 Pebbles Vision We build profitable connections for entrepreneurs across Africa Mission To provide solutions that will continuously achieve sustainable results for our clients.

3 About 5 Pebbles 5 Pebbles Advisory brings together professionals from multiple disciplines and backgrounds who are committed to working with SMEs and other business to achieve sustainable and profitable returns. 5 Pebbles Advisory adopts a practical approach that allows our clients and teams to participate in creating solutions. We bring to the table our experience gained over the years in the business world. Our focus areas include Business planning and building, Market development, Strategic planning and implementation, Innovation performance and sustainability and Training.

4 Topics to be covered:  Preparation time  Product Profiling Features and Benefits  Communication  Attention span  Mechanics  Text tips  Call to action

5 Preparation time WHAT DO YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE

6 Preparation time  Product : Know your product  Benefits : outline the benefits of product according to customer needs  Target Market: structure your presentation according to level of people attending. CEO, CFO, staff, Members of public  Know your audience  Use language customer understands..avoid technical jargon, TLAs

7 Product profiling  A product profile describes what the product does for the consumer  It will seek to identify the needs and /or wants that will be fulfilled should a consumer chose to purchase  A profile outlines key product attributes and the benefits  When developing a profile one must be clear about who the target customer is and what attributes will attract such a consumer  Features TELL Benefits SELL

8 Product profiling FEATURES Product features are characteristics that define the product What did the manufacturer put in at the factory?  Motor insurance covers Accidental damage to own vehicle  Injuries to third parties  Damage to third party property  Loss of use These are in the design of the product

9 Product profiling FEATURES  Understanding the product features helps in appreciating the benefits.  Take time to learn the features of the products and services  Customers will gain trust if you demonstrate knowledge in the product  It will increase your confidence when talking to the customer  Each feature should have benefit(s)

10 Product profiling BENEFITS  Product benefits describe the value to your consumer  By purchasing motor insurance you have peace of mind that in the event of an accident your car will be repaired,  you will have a vehicle to use,  You can avoid expensive litigation as the cover will pay for injuries to third parties,  Saves you time as your insurer will follow up on repairs and all legal matters

11 Product profiling BENEFITS  The advantage that a product has in comparison with what a customer has already.  You can ask the customer what they do or use now, then show how the product you are selling offers advantages over the current method  convert advantages into the benefits that are recognized and desired by the customer  How will the customer know if the need has been sorted?

12 Product profiling BENEFITS  Outlining benefits makes translation easy. It provides a guide for understanding the product  Benefits are what the Sales team will communicate to the customer  Benefits sell products. They are derived not from the product, but from the customer’s environment and mind set which may change at any given moment.

13 Features and benefits in communication Once the product is ready, Features, attributes and benefits are known, it is time to shout all about it Communication involves getting information about your company, brand and products to the targeted buying public Communication must be tailored carefully to attract the desired outcome. In essence do not communicate for communication sake…always ask…what do I want to achieve.

14 Features and benefits in communication  Messaging effectiveness can be improved with these two principles.  Always lead with product benefits.  When you use product benefits in your messaging, you speak directly to the prospective buyers motivations.  Benefits are already "translated" into the consumers language.  This makes them easier to remember Support product benefits with features.  and more likely to create action.

15 Features and benefits in communication  You use product features as proof points for the product benefits.  Thus when product benefits are associated with specific product features, both messages are strengthened.  When product features stand alone, you require the prospect to "translate" a product capability into a value of interest.  Why risk a mistranslation?

16 Choosing and Maximising your communication  Start with the business goal that the customer would like to achieve– then  Tie that value to a specific benefit generated by a particular feature.  Asking probing questions to uncover the benefits the customer seeks.  Bring the value of having the product to the consumer

17 Choosing and Maximising your communication Identify your product’s promise to get your prospects’ attention  Identify an immediate benefit associated with your product,  relate how it affects prospects on a personal and emotional level, and  use this to come up with your product’s promise.

18 Choosing and Maximising your communication Highlight what your product does to convince customers they need it  Research your customers’ problems,  come up with content like headlines and videos that explains how your product can solve them, and  feature it on your website.

19 Choosing and Maximising your communication Keep your message consistent so it sticks with your customers  Highlight your product’s features and benefits in detail after the headline,  focus on your product’s promise whenever you’re talking about it. Equity: Your listening caring Partner UAP: Simple. Better. Life

20 Choosing and Maximising your communication Feature social proof and product testimonials to build credibility  Keep track of the press that you receive,  ask clients to give testimonials about your product, and  bold important parts of the testimonials to emphasize them. Jubilee : Billboards with customer testimonials

21 Choosing and Maximising your communication Use clear calls to action to encourage clients to buy or try your product  Use clear and convincing calls to action,  Offer trials or previews of your product if applicable, and  feature them prominently on your website.

22 Attention Span The average person has the attention span of 7 minutes Have a clear title Keep slides short and uncluttered Avoid technical mumble jumble People will drift off if they cannot understand what you are saying Less is better..use key words

23 Mechanics?  Use a good tool for your presentation  Microsoft PowerPoint  Use humuor, anecdotes, tell stories  Do a dry run with a neutral audience  Do not rush through…give your audience time to process

24 Text tips  Use Legible text  Use friendly colours.  Avoid useless graphics….graphs, pie charts  Spell check  Minimal number of slides  Use bullet points or short sentences  Keep slide background subtle and consistent  Use high contrast between background colour and text colour

25 Call to Action  Prepare your media pages …website, Facebook, twitter  Ask those present to visit your website, like you on Facebook and follow you on twitter  Ensure your content matches  Make your offers known. 10% off to anyone who comes on board/ buys NOW!

26 Best Skills Best Skills  Practice,Practice,Practice!  Preparation  Passion  Be interested in what your are saying!

27 T hank You!

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