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Bell Work List 5 different kinds of waves you have seen in your lifetime.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work List 5 different kinds of waves you have seen in your lifetime."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work List 5 different kinds of waves you have seen in your lifetime.

2 What are Waves?

3 Objectives: How do matter and energy interact when waves are generated? What are the three main types of waves?

4 What is a WAVE? A disturbance that transfers energy from place to place. Waves carry energy! After the wave has moved, the disturbance is gone. Everything is calm again.

5 How does a wave travel? A wave must have something to travel through. MATTER! The material through which a wave travels through is called a medium.

6 What are some examples of mediums that waves can travel through?

7 Mechanical Waves Waves that require a medium through which to travel through are called mechanical waves. Waves do not carry the medium as they move through it. Waves just carry energy.

8 The duck does not move sideways toward to shore. The duck moves up and down and the WAVE moves toward to shore.

9 Electromagnetic Waves Not all waves require a medium in order to travel. Light from the sun can travel through empty space. Empty space is not a medium

10 What CAUSES waves? Waves are generated when a source of energy forces the matter in a medium to vibrate. Vibration is a repeated back-and-forth or up-and-down motion. Motion is the source of the wave.

11 The transfer of energy: A moving object has energy. The moving object can transfer energy to a nearby medium, creating a wave.

12 transfer Wave Motion Energy Mechanical waves Electromagnetic waves A medium to pass through include require don’t require Waves include

13 Classification Waves are classified according to how they travel through a medium. Three types of waves: 1.Transverse waves 2.Longitudinal waves 3.Surface waves

14 Transverse Wave Waves that move the medium at right angels to the direction in which the waves are traveling. Across Highest part of the wave is called the crest. The lowest part of the wave is called a trough.

15 Transverse Wave

16 Can you think of any transverse waves?

17 Longitudinal Wave Moves the particles of the medium parallel to the direction that the waves are traveling. Coils of a spring Compressions – parts where the coils are close together Rarefactions – parts where the coils are spread out

18 Longitudinal Wave

19 Can you think of any longitudinal waves?

20 Surface Wave Combinations of transverse and longitudinal waves. The waves occur at the surface between two media, such as water and air. Up and down and back and forth

21 Objectives Review: How do matter and energy interact when waves are generated? What are the three main types of waves?

22 Assignment:

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