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STOP Killing Your Students with PowerPoint. can be highly boring for your students and should only be used by authorised PowerPoint Teachers.

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Presentation on theme: "STOP Killing Your Students with PowerPoint. can be highly boring for your students and should only be used by authorised PowerPoint Teachers."— Presentation transcript:

1 STOP Killing Your Students with PowerPoint

2 can be highly boring for your students and should only be used by authorised PowerPoint Teachers

3 Warning

4 PowerPoint

5 Its my duty to warn you

6 How to avoid

7 a Slow Death by PowerPoint

8 (No students were harmed during the making of this presentation)

9 The Top Cardinal Sins

10 Cardinal Sin 1

11 The Script

12 The problem is that most people speak at

13 150 WPM

14 Yet most people read at

15 250 WPM

16 1. Some teachers like to put every single thing they are going to say on their slides. Although this means that you do not have to remember what to say on your slides. This makes your slides boring, text heavy and causes your students eyes to glaze over, the mobile phones come out and the fidgeting begins. They begin to wonder why they are even listening to you as they have already used up all their brain power reading ahead and drawing their own conclusions. All this before you even reach the bottom of your... Common PowerPoint Mistakes

17 1. Continued - first slide Common PowerPoint Mistakes

18 Cardinal Sin 2

19 Dodging Bullets

20 Example

21 This is a Very Important Slide In case you had not understood the fact that this is a very important slide from the heading I am going to make sure that you read the information again in many different ways The problem with very important slides (VIS) is that you try to get as much information on to them as possible Because as we all know in teaching you can’t just say something once you have to make sure its said or shown three times in three different ways to get the same message across! That way the little blighters can’t say you did not tell them The sad thing is this causes Teachers to use PowerPoint's with lots of different levels and bullet points to put across the same key message (over and over again!) –Here it is again – I am important – read me! Have you got the point yet –Please remember I am important too even if I am a third level bullet point It does not matter how many different ways you try to cram the information in –Nobody is going to read it anyway So its all pretty pointless –And you end up wasting your time »Want students to read ? Give it to them on paper! A slide is not the place to do it Whoopee! Phew is that it now?

22 Not exactly exciting is it?

23 To a student this is a signal to


25 Followed with a sprinkling of these


27 And time to catch up on


29 Avoid Using Too Many Bullet Points To Try To Get Your Message Across Common PowerPoint Mistakes To Your Class Too Many And Your Key Messages Will Be Lost In Fact The Term Bullet Point Comes From The act Of students Pointing Guns at The Annoying Teacher

30 Ditch the bullet points!

31 Cardinal Sin 3

32 Spell Checks

33 Many Teachers do not even run a spell cheek before their presentation! BIG MISTAK – Nothing makes you look more stupid that selling errrs Common PowerPoint Mistakes

34 Cardinal Sin 4

35 People who love data

36 Think that more is better?

37 More Data

38 Effectiveness

39 Lets demonstrate this

40 By adding more!



43 In some desperate attempt

44 To convince you of their point

45 Cardinal Sin 5

46 Bad Colour Schemes Clashing backgrounds and font colours can lead to –Thumping headache –Motion sickness –Distraction –Unexplained rashes –Mental confusion –Continual fidgeting –Loss of bladder control

47 Cardinal Sin 6

48 Animation

49 Can be good

50 For visual learners

51 Animation Can be effective But use too much And you end up with your students Going WOW! This is just so cool And not actually Taking Any notice Of what You are trying to say

52 And your PowerPoint becomes this

53 Animation Blah Boring Like this one? WOW! Look at me Woo Hoo Wheee Yawn Fidget Blah Blah Blah

54 More Animation

55 Less Effect

56 So how do you get away from mindless text and bullets?


58 Example

59 We’ve all heard the proverb

60 A picture is

61 words

62 Taken from an example of a real GCSE Business lesson

63 GCSE Unit 4f – Economic and Technological forces Businesses have benefited in the following ways:  Reduction in storage space and costs as materials are Just In Time (JIT)  Increased output as new technology and techniques allow businesses to increase production  Increased labour productivity as new techniques and technologies enable workers to be more productive  Increased quality as robots produce to a higher standard  Automation has decreased production down-time – no tea breaks, 24hr a day working New technology is expensive Can lead to redundancies Demand for skilled workers increases Money into education to equip the next workforce with the right skills

64 Doesn’t it make you feel like this?


66 Let’s break it down

67 Technological Forces

68 Manufacturing products only when ordered (JIT)

69 IncreasesIncreases

70 Output & production

71 Productivity

72 Demand for skilled workers

73 Skills education for workforce

74 Technology costs

75 Quality

76 D e c r e a ses

77 Costs and storage space

78 Production downtime storage space

79 Jobs (redundancies) storage space

80 Its all there except

81 You nor the students read it!


83 computer Sometimes the best slides have no text at all

84 Have you got it yet?

85 Less is more

86 Communication involves emotions

87 If you can’t explain it short and simple

88 Then you don’t understand it

89 This is bad communication

90 GCSE Unit 4f – Economic and Technological forces Businesses have benefited in the following ways:  Reduction in storage space and costs as materials are Just In Time (JIT)  Increased output as new technology and techniques allow businesses to increase production  Increased labour productivity as new techniques and technologies enable workers to be more productive  Increased quality as robots produce to a higher standard  Automation has decreased production down-time – no tea breaks, 24hr a day working New technology is expensive Can lead to redundancies Demand for skilled workers increases Money into education to equip the next workforce with the right skills

91 This is good communication

92 Only use images that match your message

93 …and evoke emotion

94 Too much text & data is

95 bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad –bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad »bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad » bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad

96 Never use clipart!

97 LimitLimit

98 Your Words Per Slide

99 Less text and data is

100 G d

101 Make only ONE point per slide

102 Dodge the bullets

103 Don’t use bad colour schemes

104 Check your spelling

105 Use pictures

106 Try

107 Now its your turn

108 2


110 Killing your students

111 1.Don McMillan (life after death by Powerpoint) 2.Death by PowerPoint (and how to fight it) by Alexei Kapterev 3.Dodging bullets in presentations by Rowan Manahan (fortifyservices. 4.Flikr-Storm 7.Music from track – “Warped” 8.Music from track – “She will stop” 9.Music from track – “Misfit” With Thanks To

112 Jacqueline Hicks © 2008 Lead Teacher of ICT www.sheldonict

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