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Organizing for Service Leadership. Customer-Led versus Market-Oriented Philosophies of Management  Firms may lose market leader position if listen too.

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Presentation on theme: "Organizing for Service Leadership. Customer-Led versus Market-Oriented Philosophies of Management  Firms may lose market leader position if listen too."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organizing for Service Leadership

2 Customer-Led versus Market-Oriented Philosophies of Management  Firms may lose market leader position if listen too closely to current customers  Service leadership requires curiosity, risk taking  Customer-led businesses focus on understanding expressed desires of customers in currently served markets  Market-oriented businesses commit to understand current/ latent customer desires plus competitors’ plans, capabilities  Scan market more broadly, have longer-term focus  Work closely with lead users (windows to future vs. anchors to past)  Combine traditional research with experimentation, observation  Conclusion: Pursue customer satisfaction, but set limits on being led by customers, especially during rapid change

3 The Service Profit Chain Loyalty Service Quality Productivity & Output Quality EMPLOYEES Capability Satisfaction Service Value CUSTOMERS Satisfaction Loyalty Revenue Growth Profitability Operating strategy and service delivery system Service concept Target Market InternalExternal Workplace design Job design Selection and development Rewards and recognition Information and communication Tools for serving customers Quality and productivity improvements yield higher service quality and lower costs Lifetime value Retention Repeat business Referral

4 Causal Links in the Service Profit Chain  Customer loyalty drives profitability and growth  Customer satisfaction drives customer loyalty  Value drives customer satisfaction  Employee productivity and retention drive value  Employee loyalty drives productivity  Employee satisfaction drives loyalty and productivity  Internal quality drives employee satisfaction  Top management leadership underlies chain’s success

5 Integrating Three Functional Imperatives (recap from Chapter 1) Customers Marketing Imperative Human Resources Imperative Operations Imperative

6 Defining Three Functional Imperatives  Marketing Imperative  Target “ right ” customers and build relationships  Offer solutions that meet their needs  Define quality package with competitive advantage  Operations Imperative  Create, deliver specified service to target customers  Adhere to consistent quality standards  Achieve high productivity to ensure acceptable costs  Human Resource Imperative  Recruit and retain the best employees for each job  Train and motivate them to work well together  Achieve both productivity and customer satisfaction

7 Reducing Intra-Organizational Tension  Transfers and cross training  Cross functional taskforces  New tasks and new people  Process management teams  Gain-sharing programs

8 The Search for Synergy: A Top Management Perspective What do we want? What can we do? What do our customers want? What do our employees, intermediaries, and other partners want?

9 From Losers to Leaders: Moving Up the Service Performance Ladder  Service Leaders  Crème de la crème of their respective industries  Names synonymous with outstanding service, customer delight  Service Professionals  Clear positioning strategy  Sustained reputation for meeting customer expectations  Service Non-entities  Traditional operations mindset  Rudimentary marketing, often emphasizing price discounts  Service Losers  Only survive because of lack of viable alternatives in marketplace

10 Achieving Service Leadership by Focusing on Role of Each Functional Area  Marketing: move from tactical to innovative and strategic  Operations: move from reactive/cost oriented to focused, innovative, well coordinated with marketing and HR  Human Resources: move from tight control of low- cost workers to quality of employees as strategic advantage

11 Leadership for Change Management Involves Eight Stages  Create sense of urgency to develop impetus for change  Put together strong team to direct process  Create appropriate vision of where organization must go  Communicate new vision broadly  Empower employees to act on vision  Produce sufficient short term results to create credibility  Build momentum to tackle tougher problems  Anchor new behaviors in the organizational culture Source: John Kotter

12 Leadership Qualities Needed in Service Organizations  Vision, charisma, persistence, high expectations, expertise, empathy, persuasiveness, integrity  Ability to visualize quality of service as foundation for competing  Believe in people who work for the firm, make good communications a priority  Possess a natural enthusiasm for the business, teach it to others, pass on nuances, secrets, crafts of operating  Cultivate leadership qualities of others in organization  Use values to navigate firms through difficult times

13 Transformational Leadership May Require Changing Corporate Culture  Corporate Culture:  Shared perceptions regarding what is important  Shared values about what is right and wrong  Shared understanding about what works and what doesn’t  Shared beliefs about why these things are important  Shared styles of working and relating to others  Climate for Service--Tangible working environment atop underlying culture. Influential factors include:  Shared perceptions concerning practices, procedures and types of behaviors that get rewarded  Clarity about mission and values, level of commitment to common purpose  Flexibility: freedom to innovate, sense of responsibility, standards

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