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Chapter 3 Epithelial tissues.

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1 Chapter 3 Epithelial tissues

2 Overview 4 main types of tissues in the human body What is a tissue?
Epithelial tissue Connective tissue Muscular tissue Nervous tissue

3 Structure and Function
Epithelial tissue provides coverings and linings provide protection Allow for diffusion, filtration and osmosis Secretion, transport, absorption

4 Basic structure Epithelial cells are packed close together
Little intercellular material between them Form continuous sheets with no blood vessels That is why epithelial tissues provide good coverings

5 Shape and Arrangement Epithelial cells are classified according to the shape of the shell and how they are arranged

6 Shape of Cells Squamous: flat and scale-like Cuboidal: cube shaped
Columnar: higher than wide Transitional: varying shapes that can stretch

7 Arrangement of Cells Simple: single layer of cells of the same shape
Stratified: many layers of cells, named for the shape of the cells in the outer layer Pseudostratified: appears to be layered, but is not

8 Attachment Epithelial tissues attach to other tissues
A basement membrane forms at the bottom of the tissue Generally this then attaches to a connective tissue


10 Simple Squamous Epithelium
Single layer, very thin Substances can easily pass through Diffusion of gases occurs easily Example: alveoli (tiny air sacs in lungs) and the linings of blood vessels and lymphatic tissue


12 Stratified Squamous Epithelium
Several layers of closely packed cells Protection Examples; epidermis, lining of mouth


14 Simple Columnar Single layers Higher than wide (columns)
specialize in absorption Open spaces; goblet cells Goblet cells make mucus


16 Simple Cuboidal Does not form coverings Forms clusters of tubules
Tubules secrete Example; gland tissue and the secretion of hormones


18 Transitional epithelium
Several layers and has the ability to stretch Bladder tissue When cells stretch, they flatten out


20 Psuedostratified Appears to be two layers thick, but is not
Cilia extend from from cells Allow rapid movement of substances Line the trachea (rapid removal of dust)

21 Make a chart to study List category of tissues List each type
Describe it’s structure List it’s function Give one or two examples of where it is located in the human body Use the chart to make a matching quiz for yourself

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