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Plant Reproduction and Development. Let’s Review: Asexual Reproduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Plant Reproduction and Development. Let’s Review: Asexual Reproduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plant Reproduction and Development

2 Let’s Review: Asexual Reproduction

3 Review: Sexual Reproduction Meiosis Gametes Fertilization Zygote HOW DOES THIS WORK IN PLANTS?????

4 Formation of Gametes

5 Flowering Plants Anatomy of reproductive Structures Pollination

6 How Have Plants Evolved: Modes of Pollintation

7 So What is So Special About Plants…They fertilize TWICE!!!

8 Checking our Recall 1.In four bullets….how does fertilization in plants occur?

9 Adaptation to dry conditions 1.Preventing water loss (Cuticle/Stomata) 2.Transporting water (Vascular Tissue) 3.Reproduction on land (Alteration of Generations/Seed)

10 Alteration of Generation

11 Alteration of Generations

12 What Happens after Fertilization Shoot Apical Meristem Root Apical Meristem Cotyledons Seed Coat Endosperm

13 Germination Sprouting of the seed *NOTE….seeds will only germinate if their environment is FAVORABLE for SURVIVAL!!!* What are some factors that allow for germination to occur? 1. 2. 3.

14 Fruits

15 Dispersal Maple Touch-me-Not Berries Cockleburr Dandelion

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