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Do Now: 1. What is toxicology? 2. What does this graph say about drug usage? 3. Silently get 2 pieces of notebook paper from the front and 2 pieces of.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: 1. What is toxicology? 2. What does this graph say about drug usage? 3. Silently get 2 pieces of notebook paper from the front and 2 pieces of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: 1. What is toxicology? 2. What does this graph say about drug usage? 3. Silently get 2 pieces of notebook paper from the front and 2 pieces of tape, half the size of your thumb. Objective: (1) Students will be able to describe the difference between drugs, toxins and poisons (2) Students will be able to compare and contrast chromatography, UV/VIS/IR spectrophotometry and mass spectrophotometry.

2 Foldable 2 pieces of paper BOOK 1 Pg 1 – Title page Pg 2 – drugs Pg 3 – toxins Pg 4 - poison Pg 5 – alcohol BOOK 2 pg 1 – testing Pg 4 - collection

3 Toxicology The marriage of chemistry and physiology that deals with drugs, poisons, and other toxic substances

4 CFU… Toxicology is the ◦A. biology and math part of drugs and toxins ◦B. chemistry and physiology of drugs and toxins ◦C. the study of toxic waste ◦D. all of the above

5 ◦Drug- substance that is used to produce a beneficial physiological or psychological effect in humans. ◦Poison- something that causes harm to a human in certain doses. ◦Toxin- a poisonous substance that is produced by an animal or plant. T/F : drugs have the potential to become poisons

6 Nida-9 National Institute on Drug Abuse Opiates – morphine and codeine….. heroin Methadone- synthetic opiate Barbiturates – sleep induce

7 Cause of death Accidental Suicidal Homicidal Natural Turn and Talk

8 Testing for Drugs Presumptive Test- A test to determine whether or not a certain substance is present Confirmatory Test- A test to determine the specific identity and chemical structure of a substance

9 Chromatography Thin Layer Chromatography Separation of mixtures Mobile phase vs. Stationary phase ID and comparison of drugs Compare to database


11 Exit Ticket 1. Toxicology is the ◦A. biology and math part of drugs and toxins ◦B. chemistry and physiology of drugs and toxins ◦C. the study of toxic waste 2. What is chromotography?

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