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The Legislative Branch. Terms of Service A term of Congress last every two years Start of each term is on noon of 3rd day of January on every odd-numbered.

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1 The Legislative Branch

2 Terms of Service A term of Congress last every two years Start of each term is on noon of 3rd day of January on every odd-numbered year We are in the 110th Congress it will end on January 3, 2009 Why two years?

3 What is a session? Session: A period of time during which, each year, Congress assembles and conducts business A typical session usually last most of the year The House and Senate may not adjourn without the consent of the other If Congress cannot decide on an ending date then the President can do it. Special Sessions- A meeting to deal with some emergency situation called on only by the president

4 Questions to Answer Respond to the following quote: “ There are two periods when Congress does no business: one is before the holidays, and the other is after.” George Prentice I s George right? How does the Constitution ensure that Congress does complete its work? Does the work that is done seem to drag on forever? Why?

5 Also Write a brief paragraph that illustrates the reasons why the Constitution immediately established bicameralism in the legislative branch. You should consider historical, practical, and theoretical reasons for this practice. Also take in to account your opinion on the effectiveness of a bicameral legislature

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